API glossary
  • 09 Feb 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read

API glossary

Article summary

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z



API means application programming interface. An API consist of multiple definitions and protocols for developing and integrating application software. An API is an interface that allows independent applications to communicate with each other and exchange data.

API call

An API call or API request is a message to a server that requests an API to provide a service or information.

API key

The API key is a unique identifier to authenticate a user. In the IXM Platform, you can create an API key to perform tests with your personal user. When you use the key for authorization, you have the same rights and permissions that this user has in the IXM Platform.


Authorization is the process of verifying whether a user is allowed to perform a certain action. The IXM Platform API offers two options for authorization: the session ID and the API key.


ASC means Advanced Spot Configurator. The ASC content of a spot refers to all editable elements of an HTML Wizard spot.


Binary payload

Binary payload refers to the binary content of the message payload. This is content that is anything other than text, such as an image or an XML file.


Every player has a unique Box-ID that identifies it, for example during the initialization.



The client is the application that sends the request to the server who sends a response.


CRC means cyclic redundancy check. This is an error detection code that can be used to detect accidental changes to digital data.


Data calculator

Data calculator is a service that recalculates XML playlist files. It registers each relevant modification by a user in the IXM Platform and recalculates the corresponding playlists.



An API endpoint is a unique URL of a server or service that points to a specific resource. API endpoints are the final touchpoints in the API communication system, where API and server interact. The API uses endpoints to perform specific tasks such as requesting data or starting a process.

Entity ID

The entity ID is the unique identifier of an entity like a spot or media file.



With FAST, you can send commands from the server to the Linux and Windows (Qt) Player very quickly. This allows you to control the players remotely via a fastBroker add-on.



GUID means globally unique identifier. It’s a unique ID that can identify, for example, an IXM Platform application module, a player edition, or an upload.



HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. This is a standardized protocol for transmitting data between clients and servers on the internet. The client sends an HTTP request to the server using a standard set of methods such as GET to specify the action it wants to perform on a specific resource.



JWT means JSON Web Token. It’s a JSON-based access token that is typically used to exchange a user's identity between an identity provider and a service provider in a third-party system.



Parameters are variables that provide specific information or instructions to an API endpoint. There are different types of parameters that are included in different parts of an API request: header parameters, path parameters, query parameters, and request body parameters.



The server is the application that sends a response to the client who sends the request.

Session ID

When you're logged into the IXM Platform, you get a session ID that you can use for authorization. The session ID is connected to a user including their rights and permissions.

Session hash

The session hash is the session ID converted into a hash value. The hash value consists of exactly 40 characters of numbers or letters.

Status code

API status codes are HTTP status codes. The API returns an HTTP status code to indicate the status of a client request. The code informs the user of the result of their request, such as “200 OK” for a successful operation.


Swagger is a collection of open source tools for designing, building, documenting, and consuming APIs. You can enable the Swagger site in the IXM Platform configuration.



TPID means temporary provisioning identifier. It’s used for initializing players.



UDC means Universal Data Controller. This is a service for importing external, customer-specific data via plug-ins.


UTC means coordinated universal time. This is a standard for determining all time zones in the world with a uniform calculation. Using UTC as the reference time, each time zone can be determined in deviation from another time zone. The differences between a time zone and universal time are given in UTC +/- x hours.



Version refers to the version of the API. A new API version is released with each IXM Platform release. We are constantly improving our API, which means that later versions generally contain more API calls and options than previous versions.

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