HTTP requests
  • 31 Jan 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

HTTP requests

Article summary

The API is the intermediary between the IXM Platform and the web server. When you use the API, you initiate an API call that tells the IXM Platform to do something. The IXM Platform, in turn, uses the API to ask the web server to do something.

The API call that you make is essentially an HTTP request that allows you to either access a resource on the server or to send data to the server.

HTTP methods

The HTTP method is a command that tells the server what to do. You can use the following HTTP methods in your requests to the IXM Platform API:

HTTP method



Retrieve a single item or a list of items.


Create an item.


Update an item.


Delete an item.

Header parameters

Your requests to the IXM Platform API must contain header parameters. Specifying these parameters allows you to transmit additional information for security, such as the API key and the session ID used for authorization.

Path parameters

Your requests also contain path parameters. Path parameters are variable parts of a URL that point to a specific resource. A URL can contain multiple path parameters, such as an API version or the unique ID of an item.


The URL consists of at least a base API endpoint, followed by the API version and the plural name of the resource.


HTTP request: GET /v{version}/Spots

Depending on the request, more parameters can be added to the URL, such as IDs and names of resources and child resources.


HTTP request: GET /v{version}/PlaylistVersions/{playlistVersionId}/Items/{itemId}


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