- 23 Sep 2024
- 6 Minutes to read
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Tizen Player releases
- Updated on 23 Sep 2024
- 6 Minutes to read
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Get the latest version
Please contact your Grassfish account manager to get the latest version.
Note on Tizen 6.5 firmware version
We recommend that you update your Samsung QxB screens to firmware version 1090.2. Not all compatibility issues between Tizen 6.5 and the Grassfish player have been resolved, however, many issues have been resolved and there are no new known issues. Samsung and Grassfish are working on fixes for the remaining issues.
Note on screen layouts
All 16:9 Tizen screens (both Full HD and 4K) only support screen layouts with a resolution of 1920x1080 or 1080x1920. We recommend to only use these resolutions in your screen layouts. Higher resolution images and web graphics are scaled to Full HD. Video resolution is not affected by this setting: 4K videos are played in their native resolution if the screen supports it regardless of screen layout settings, but you can't use preloading with resolutions higher than Full HD.
Tizen Player Version 11.11.0
Previous player versions tried to detect the time zone automatically, but this was unreliable and so the feature has been removed. When you update your Tizen Player, please make sure you set the correct time zone in the IXM Platform. The default time zone of Tizen Player is now UTC.
New features
With this version we've implemented the following features:
Synchronization with Tizen 7
Player synchronization now works with Tizen 7 (QMC).
Seamless transitions
With version 11.10, the player configuration setting “Aggressive preloading” only worked correctly if the playlist only contained videos. With version 11.11, aggressive preloading also works if an image is followed by more than one video without showing a black screen for an instant.
Since the player can’t know if a Composer spot contains a video or not, a new interface was designed that allows the Composer spot to report that it doesn’t contain a video. The player’s default behavior is to expect every Composer spot to contain a video - as it was in earlier versions if aggressive preloading was enabled.
Tizen Player Version 11.9.6
Resolved issues
We’ve fixed an issue where display times were not stored correctly on the player.
We’ve fixed an issue where the player didn’t transfer exact spot statistics.
Known issues
Setting loops in the IXM Platform has no effect. This is supposed to be fixed in a future version.
The JavaScript player transmits either the normal spot statistics or - if activated - the exact / detailed spot statistics, not both. This is supposed to be fixed in a future version.
Please disable “Windows authentication” in your IIS settings (this is a fallback on default installations) to avoid the possible appearance of an “Authentication Window” on Samsung QxB screens.
Even with firmware 1090.2, videos in media elements of Grassfish composer spots don’t work yet on QxB screens (Tizen 6.5).
Tizen Player Version 11.9.5
Resolved issues
We’ve fixed an issue where the player could delete the existing playlist on its file system if the download of a new playlist failed.
Known issues
Setting loops in the IXM Platform has no effect.
Please disable “Windows authentication” in your IIS settings (this is a fallback on default installations) to avoid the possible appearance of an “Authentication Window” on Samsung QxB screens.
Even with firmware 1090.2, videos in media elements of Grassfish composer spots don’t work yet on QxB screens (Tizen 6.5).
Tizen Player Version 11.9.4
New features
With this version we've implemented the following features:
Synchronization improvements
We’ve implemented the following player synchronization improvements:
In addition to synchronization with sync tags, the player now supports synchronization with spot objects.
There’s a new function to skip spots with synctags while synchronization is inactive.
Synchronization no longer interrupts the playlist logic of followers. The playback now fast forwards to the next occurrence of the sync tag being searched for and continues playing from there.
Resolved issues
We’ve fixed an issue where aggressive preloading lead to a large number of error messages and a black screen if the playlist contained only one spot.
The player now plays the expected latest content even if it was turned off while several changes were made to the playlist.
We’ve fixed an issue where the first spot after a reboot was an unexpected spot, especially visible with playlists using priorities.
The touch functionality now works in version 11.9 on screens with touch support like the Samsung QB13R-T and QB43R-T.
Changing a playlist in a screen layout with splits no longer affects all splits on the player.
The display lamp in the IXM Platform now shows the actual status of the monitor panel for the player instead of the status that was defined in the IXM Platform and transmitted to the player.
We’ve fixed an issue where some PDF files caused a very long playback time.
We've improved the support for versioned playlists.
Display times are now stored permanently.
Known issues
Setting loops in the IXM Platform has no effect.
Please disable “Windows authentication” in your IIS settings (this is a fallback on default installations) to avoid the possible appearance of an “Authentication Window” on Samsung QxB screens (Tizen 6.5).
Even with firmware 1090.2, videos in media elements of Grassfish composer spots don’t work yet on QxB screens (Tizen 6.5).
Tizen Player - Version 11.9.3
New features
Player synchronization
This version of the player supports playback synchronization of screens that are connected to the same network.
Add spot start timeout
You can now set a spot start timeout in seconds that leads to a player reboot if the playback logic hangs. To set the timeout, go to Player / Timeouts / globalSpotTimeoutSec.
Display background color
As of this verison, the player no longer ignores the background color that you set for playlists in a program scheme. The color is now visible if spots don't fill the whole screen, or if they’re transparent and spot transitions aren't seamless. To avoid undefined behavior, you must set the background color for all playlists in a program scheme to the same value.
Resolved issues
Wizard spots are now counted correctly in the spot statistics.
We’ve fixed an issue where a particular website spot wasn’t loading on a player. To avoid this, don’t add a random URL parameter to website spots.
The player now performs a cleanup on every spot start in order to destroy containers belonging to past spots that weren't successfully deleted before.
Known issues
If the program scheme assigned to a player only contains one valid spot, aggressive preloading doesn't work correctly. A fix for this issue is currently being tested.
If the assigned program scheme contains priorities, the first spot played after a reboot can be an unexpected spot. A fix for this issue is currently being tested.
After being offline while playlists were changed in the IXM Platform, the player sometimes doesn't play the expected latest content. A fix for this issue is currently being tested.
A screen layout cannot be removed from the player by deleting it in the IXM Platform. A fix for this issue is currently being tested.
PDF spots don't quit early if loading the spot takes longer than the playout duration that was set. This is expected to be fixed in a future version.
Split support is still very limited. Especially updating playlists with splits without a player restart doesn't work correctly. This specific issue is expected to be fixed in a future version.
Versioned playlists are currently not supported. This is expected to be fixed in a future version.
Setting of loops in the IXM Platform has no effect.
Samsung QxB screens need at least firmware version 1040 if the watchdog is enabled to avoid constant reboots.
Tizen Player Version 11.8.2-cert.1
New features
New Samsung certificate.
Resolved issues
SSP playback now also works if smooth transitions aren’t activated.
Composer spots are now counted correctly in the spot statistic.
We’ve fixed an issue where preloading in combination with special playlists lead to broken playback behavior.
We’ve fixed an issue with SSP reporting.
We’ve fixed an issue where players could hang due to an uncaught exception.
We’ve fixed an issue where no playout confirmation was sent after an SSP spot was played.