- 05 Feb 2025
- 43 Minutes to read
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IXM Platform releases
- Updated on 05 Feb 2025
- 43 Minutes to read
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Get the latest version
Please contact your Grassfish account manager to get the latest version.
IXM Version 11.18.0
Update to 11.18
Note the following important information, before you update to 11.18.0.
Unique license labels
With this release, we provide unique license labels which prevents errors when selecting license types. If you need to change the labels, make sure they remain unique. This applies to all IXM Platform versions.
New features
With this version, we’ve implemented the following new features:
Display more data import information
To provide immediate and valuable insights into the data import process, we've added new columns under Administration > Content > Data importer. This UI enhancement makes useful information like the import status and time stamp easily accessible and improves transparency and efficiency when importing data.
External access to HTML editor
In this release, we've enabled opening the HTML editor from an external application. By adding the session hash to the editor URL, users can now be authenticated and access content for viewing and editing in the HTML Wizard or Composer.
Enhanced API for retrieving user data
We’ve enhanced the API endpoint GET /v{version}/Users with an optional parameter that allows you to include user group details directly in the response. This way the client can retrieve user groups for each user in a single request, rather than making multiple requests per user. This also allows user groups to be filtered, making the response smaller.
Resolved issues
Returning to the “Notifications” tab after saving a new email address and then navigating away from it no longer causes an error.
When filtering by creation date, the advanced filter now also returns templates from the spot pool instead of just spots.
We’ve fixed an issue where the spot pool didn’t differentiate between archived and active spots in tabular view.
When filtering for trusted content, only the visibility of the selected spot is now displayed and no other spots.
We’ve fixed an issue where the API incorrectly reported an error due to identical paths when calling two unique endpoints.
We’ve fixed an issue where previewing a video embedded in a Composer spot wasn't working in Firefox.
Closing the “Add data source” dialog with X instead of the “Cancel” button no longer causes a console error.
We’ve fixed an issue where the API returned 200 but the screen layout didn’t change when updating the screen layout of a player.
We’ve fixed an issue where the license type dropdown didn’t display license types that were not unique.
We’ve fixed an issue where it wasn’t possible to import a spot or category with an empty name.
We’ve fixed an API issue where POST SpotGroups returned 403 forbidden for location users.
We’ve fixed an API issue where PUT SpotGroups returned 403 forbidden for location users.
We’ve fixed an API issue where GET SpotGroups by ID returned 403 forbidden for location users.
We’ve fixed an API issue where POST SpotGroups returned 500 instead of 400 bad request.
The Monitoring.DeviceDataSet plugin now performs a cleanup deleting all imported and accumulated data to save space.
We’ve fixed an API issue where DELETE SpotGroups returned 500 instead of 409 conflict when the spot group had children.
We’ve fixed an API issue where DELETE SpotGroups returned 500 instead of 409 conflict when the spot group had a spot.
We’ve fixed an API issue where POST SpotGroups returned 500 instead of 400 when a non-admin tried to set permissions.
We’ve fixed an API issue where PUT SpotGroups returned 500 instead of 400 when a non-admin tried to set permissions.
We’ve fixed an API issue where DELETE MediaGroups returned 500 instead of 409 conflict when the media group had children.
We’ve fixed an API issue where DELETE MediaGroups returned 500 instead of 409 conflict when the media group had media.
We’ve fixed an API issue where POST MediaGroups returned 403 forbidden when the creator was location user.
We’ve fixed an API issue where PUT MediaGroups returned 403 forbidden when the creator was location user.
We’ve fixed an issue where setting general filter settings wasn’t possible when adding or editing media of an HTML Composer or Wizard spot.
We’ve fixed an API issue where POST SpotGroups returned 200 even though the assigned location was not accessible to the user.
We’ve fixed an API issue where PUT SpotGroups returned 200 even though the assigned location was not accessible to the user.
We’ve fixed an API issue where POST MediaGroups returned 200 even though the assigned location was not accessible to the user.
We’ve fixed an API issue where PUT MediaGroups returned 200 even though the assigned location was not accessible to the user.
We’ve fixed translations in the German version of the “Content for Categories” widget.
We’ve fixed translations in the German version of the “Player installations” widget.
We’ve fixed translations in the German version of the “Image slider” widget.
We’ve fixed an issue where the file cleaner sometimes deleted newly copied files while they were still in use.
We’ve fixed an API issue where spot groups deleted via DELETE SpotGroups were still visible in the administration menu.
We’ve fixed an API issue where media groups deleted via DELETE MediaGroups were still visible in the administration menu.
We’ve fixed translations in the “Small weather” widget.
We’ve fixed translations in the “News Sender” widget.
“Save as” is no longer read-only when creating an advanced filter.
We’ve fixed inconsistencies to ensure that linked lists work independently of each other.
We’ve fixed some German translations in the “Date Time” widget.
We’ve fixed an issue where an empty widget container caused the spot to hang.
The IXM Platform version is now displayed correctly in the SamlLogin.dll file properties.
Double-clicking in a screen layout with an assigned program scheme followed by "Cancel" no longer removes the program scheme from the screen layout.
We’ve fixed an issue where switching the event type in an event playlist resulted in an invalid playlist.
We’ve fixed an issue where loading all players was slow in some cases.
We’ve fixed an issue where it was not possible to generate an API key for yourself or when the generation was just unlocked.
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IXM Version 11.17.2
Update to 11.17.2
Note the following important information, before you update to 11.17.2.
Mandatory update for player configurations
You must use version 11.17.2 for all future updates to ensure consistency and reliability of player configurations.
Previous versions allowed unintended overrides of default configuration values, including critical settings like IgnoreSSL. This could lead to broken configurations and operational inconsistencies. Starting with this version, this can no longer happen.
No session ID via URL
As of 11.16, the setting common > preventSessionIdViaUrl in the config.json file is set to true by default. That means no session information is passed via the URL. However, you can set preventSessionIdViaUrl to false if the session ID needs to be included in the URL in your use case. This might affect your dashboard widgets and HTML Wizard spots.
New features
With this version, we’ve implemented the following new features:
Updated player configuration
This release introduces improved logic for player configuration update scripts that allows existing default settings to be retained. The update can now distinguish between new and existing settings, so default settings are only applied to new settings, even on older servers.
Resolved issues
We’ve fixed an issue where the spot would hang if a widget container added in the AscComposerPlayer was empty.
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IXM Version 11.17.1
Update to 11.17.2
We recommend to update to version 11.17.2 to ensure consistency and reliability of player configurations.
Resolved issues
We’ve fixed an issue where it wasn’t possible to import a spot or category with an empty name.
We’ve fixed an issue where LinkedList didn’t replace placeholders in the URL properly when configuring an HTML Wizard spot.
We’ve fixed an issue where LinkedList didn’t resolve dependencies of complex values when configuring an HTML Wizard spot.
We’ve fixed an issue where LinkedList saved data int ascData.json but didn’t populate the form when configuring an HTML Wizard spot.
Only configuring a linked list now enables the “Save” button of the editor without having to change any common settings.
We’ve fixed an issue where name entries could not be filled with response values when configuring an HTML Wizard spot.
When configuring an HTML Wizard spot, dropdown lists now have a fixed length.
We’ve fixed an issue where LinkedList were not saved when editing an ASC template.
We’ve fixed an issue where the dropdown in the LinkedList was not reset correctly after saving and selecting a new model.
LinkedList values are now correctly resolved within templates.
We’ve fixed an issue where LinkedList dropdowns were sometimes disabled.
We’ve fixed an issue where linked list dropdowns only related to the last template when creating more than one.
Selecting “--Please select--” now resets all dependent dropdowns when working with linked lists.
We’ve fixed an issue where fields with dependency were not reset properly when working with linked lists.
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IXM Version 11.17.0
Update to 11.17.2
We recommend to update to version 11.17.2 to ensure consistency and reliability of player configurations.
Update to 11.17.0Note the following important information, before you update to 11.17.0.
Prepare the installation
Before installing the latest server version, ensure that you stop all application pools and Windows services. Don’t forget to restart them after the installation.
Important changes
Note the following important changes in this version.
New response 429 for password requests
If there are too many password requests, the system now responds with the status code 429. Previously the only possible response was 400.
Custom values for password regex
If you use custom regex for the password validation, you must set it in the columns PasswordRegex and PasswordRegexInvalidOnMatch in the table datCustomers. If you leave the values empty, you’ll get a wrong match.
HTML Wizard spots reporting disabled
There’s a new setting for the RandomMediaViewer, LiveTagMediaViewer, WeekDayMediaViewer, and DayTimeMediaViewer that disables their reporting by default. This prevents the creation of many logs that are not being used by any service and filling up the server. However, you can change the setting if needed.
AT removed as language
It’s no longer possible to select AT as the language in the DateTime spot. Please use DE for German instead.
Custom Box-ID regex rules
If you configure a custom Box-ID regex, adhere to the following rules to avoid issues on the Windows and Linux Player:
Maximum 30 characters
Uppercase letters: A-Z
Lowercase letters: a-z
Numbers: 0-9
German Umlauts: Ää Üü Öö (Your database must support Western European characters.)
Special characters: ß - .
New features
With this version we've implemented the following features:
Regex validation via API
With this release, we’ve created new API endpoints to validate passwords according to the server's regular expressions (Regex). This means that the API will now inform you whether the provided Box-ID for a player or the IXM Platform user password is valid or not.
Security improvements
With this release, we have further improved the security of the IXM Platform, especially the security of passwords and user names.
New API parameter for locations
With this release, we've added a new parameter which allows you to query additional data for multiple locations instead of each location individually. The new boolean parameter includeAdditionalData includes an array containing each location's additional data fields in the response.
Add live tags via API
We've added new endpoints to the IXM API that make managing live tags easier and faster. Application developers can now add a parent live tag and an unlimited number of child live tags via the API.
Configure spot variants visibility
By default, spot variants are now hidden from location users. Only admin and standard users can see spot variants in the spot properties by default. If you want locations users to see spot variants, please contact your Grassfish account manager.
Spot transparency by user type
Transparency settings in the spot properties are no longer visible for location users. Only admin users can now see the transparency settings in the spot properties by default. If you want to standard or locations users to see this setting, please contact your Grassfish account manager.
Upload Wizard spots to template groups
To improve spot management and organization, you can now easily upload HTML Wizard spots to spot template groups. Simply put your asc.zip spot files into the desired spot group. This can be useful, for example, when using a wizard spot as a template. With this improvement, the upload process is less tedious as you no longer need to export and re-import Wizard spots from the IXM Platform.
Create linked lists in HTML Wizard spots
As a spot developer, you can now configure linked lists whose list items are dynamically populated based on the values of other lists. This means dependent dropdown lists, where selecting items from one list affects the available options in another. The lists are dynamically populated with information from a webservice.
New installer security message
The IXM Server installer now delivers a text file that contains a security message. This message file contains information on the IXM Platform installation, important links, and contact details.
Install player provisioning with IXM Platform
As of this version, player provisioning is part of the IXM Platform installation. This makes creating a connection between the player and the IXM Platform via the provisioning website even easier.
Resolved issues
You can now apply a new filter when selecting an existing template when "Display the last few days" is not selected.
The Weekday Media Viewer Spot now works on Tizen 4 players.
When editing website spot properties, password and username fields are no longer read-only and mandatory at the same time.
Adding a spot to a playlist that has already been added in a simultaneous session no longer triggers a server error.
Standard users can now set and save a data source when editing HTML Wizard spot properties.
It’s now possible to directly upload HTML Wizard spots into template spot groups.
We’ve added a dialog when clicking on “Cancel” while creating or editing a user group to prevent the loss of changes.
We’ve fixed an issue where it wasn’t possible to create a new user because the initial password couldn’t be set.
We’ve removed “AT” from the language dropdown of the Date Time Spot.
We’ve fixed an issue where the IXM Platform froze when copying a player with a data source for which the user has no read permission.
We’ve fixed an issue where the web spot preview triggered a console error and the website didn't load.
We’ve fixed an issue with SQL timeouts when changing properties of locations and deleting spots from playlists.
We’ve fixed an issue where a Composer spot that uses the shape widget was skipped on the player.
We’ve fixed an issue where services were not running after a server update.
The password visibility toggle on the login page is now consistently available in Chrome and Firefox.
The Player API now responds to the GetContentFiles request in less than 60 seconds, so the player timeout is not exceeded.
We’ve fixed a typo in the player's license type dropdown.
The font is now included as a file when exporting a Composer spot with a text element.
We’ve fixed an API issue where GET Screen playlists returned 200 instead of the available screen playlists.
We’ve fixed an issue with restricting content downloads during player operating hours.
We’ve fixed an issue where the automated backup folder was not always accessible.
We’ve fixed an issue where some players were sending the same log lines multiple times, resulting in duplicate entries in the actLogs table and storage issues.
We’ve added missing translations for "player provisioning" in the application groups settings.
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IXM Version 11.16.2
Resolved issues
The Player API now responds to the GetContentFiles request in less than 60 seconds, so the player timeout is not exceeded.
We’ve fixed an issue with restricting content downloads during player operating hours.
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IXM Version 11.16.1
Resolved issues
SNI files for downloading content to the players are no longer missing from the installation package.
When updating the spot instances within a screen playlist via PUT https://{{server}}/gv2/webservices/API/v1.11/Players/{{locationId}}/PlaylistVersions/{{biId}} all spot instances in the request body are now be stored as spot instances in the IXM Platform.
We’ve fixed an issue where PUT /v{version}/Playlists/{PlaylistId}/Tags didn’t update the tags but returned “Value cannot be null”.
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IXM Version 11.16.0
Update to 11.16Note the following important information, before you update to 11.16:
New restrictions by user type
With this version, we’ve introduced a breaking change to user type restrictions. Viewing user groups and permission groups is now restricted by user type. That means Standard, StandardPlus, and Location users can no longer see all user groups and permission groups when using the IXM Platform API. As of this version, the following restrictions apply:
Admin users: can see all user and permission groups.
StandardPlus users: can see user groups they belong to and Standard and Location permission groups.
Standard and Location users: can’t see any user and permission groups.
No session ID via URL
As of 11.16, the setting common > preventSessionIdViaUrl in the config.json file is set to true by default. That means no session information is passed via the URL. However, you can set preventSessionIdViaUrl to false if the session ID needs to be included in the URL in your use case.
This might affect your dashboard widgets and HTML Wizard spots.
New features
With this version we've implemented the following features:
.NET Core upgrade
With this version, we've migrated to the latest version of .NET LTS which prepares our software for future challenges and offers you a variety of advantages. For example, .NET 8 allows us to seamlessly integrate modern technologies such as AI and machine learning, which in turn enables the development of more innovative and intelligent applications. Additionally, the improved performance and scalability of .NET 8 provides a faster and more efficient user experience.
The following services have been updated to .NET 8: DataCalc, FileSyncService, SyncService WEb, ChromeScreenshotTool, AppModuleHost, and Player API.
Select player in HTML Wizard and Composer
As of this version, you no longer need to provide a UDC data source to enable the player selection in the HTML Wizard and HTML Composer. The player-specific preview functionality, where users can select a player from a dropdown list, can now be enabled more easily via new settings in the IXM Platform config.json file or in your HTML Wizard spot’s Data.json file.
API access with load balancer and/or reverse proxy
With this release we fully support API access via load balancer and/or proxy setups. Load balancing helps manage your server systems as it allows an application to scale beyond a single server, making processing more efficient.
API improvements
By improving the versioning of the IXM Platform API, we’ve created a more stable and transparent environment for integrating services and applications. In addition, the improved versioning of our API promotes closer collaboration between our consulting unit and users, as adjustments and extensions can now be implemented more efficiently. To take another step towards extensibility and better applicability, we’ve also improved the IXM API by adding new endpoints and extending existing endpoints.
UI improvements
With this release, we've made various adjustments to the IXM Platform’s layout to ensure the smoothest possible UI experience. These tweaks aim to continually improve the user experience through an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Among other things, you'll notice that we've fine-tuned color schemes, optimized fonts and text sizes, and customized buttons and icons to ensure a consistent and responsive interface.
Custom menu buttons
To help you customize the IXM Platform to suit your needs, it’s now possible to add custom buttons to the "Tools" menu. This means you can access external applications directly from the IXM Platform with just one click. Please contact Grassfish for more information in this solution.
Legacy web service migration
Migrating our legacy systems from 32-bit to 64-bit opens up a number of benefits that go beyond simply updating the system architecture. The significantly improved performance and scalability of our systems allows the system to process larger amounts of data more efficiently and complete complex tasks more quickly. Starting with this release, the application pool defaults to 64-bit for new web service installations and the following legacy webservices now support both 32-bit and 64-bit applications:
Resolved issues
We’ve improved the error message that appears when trying to create a user with an already existing user name.
We’ve fixed an issue where the number of API keys didn’t change correctly after deleting a key.
We’ve fixed an issue where the next spot didn’t play automatically under “Channels > Location > Player > Tools > Preview” if the previous spot was an HTML Composer or Wizard spot
It’s now possible to empty the non-mandatory display name field once you have inserted a display name.
We’ve fixed an issue where Swagger wasn’t disabled even though “EnableSwagger” was set to false.
We’ve fixed a performance issue that caused long loading times.
It’s no longer possible to remove inherited content.
We’ve fixed an issue where after deleting a display name in the “Edit player” window, the old display name was still visible.
"Edit" and "Delete" buttons are no longer displayed when hovering over an available playlist if playlist management is not selected.
We’ve fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to change the display name in the IXM Platform if the display name (max char 100) was set with an API call and the characters exceed the IXM Platform limitation of 50 characters.
It’s no longer possible to add "ValidFrom" and "ValidTo" dates with identical values for a playlist.
We’ve fixed an issue where a wizard spot wasn’t visible for a location user even if they uploaded it when multi-level list was enabled.
Spots are no longer displayed as “new” in the spot pool if they weren’t uploaded recently.
We’ve fixed an issue where selecting player time when setting the spot validity resulted in unusual behavior.
We’ve added a missing translation in a data error pop-up.
We’ve fixed an issue where sometimes spots weren’t displayed in the news item editor spot pool when multi-level playlist was selected.
We’ve fixed an issue where the mediastack data importer canceled the import and displayed old data.
We’ve reduced multiple attribute requests that weren’t relevant to one request.
We’ve fixed an issue where a console error occurred if "Player time" was selected when you edit the display properties.
We’ve fixed an issue where generating a report on a booking without media attached resulted in a broken image in the PDF report.
We’ve fixed an issue with customer management where the results of filtering by "last login" weren’t displayed in chronological order.
There’s now a character limitation for the field "Create new display" in the display management.
The setting “Control Screen via Plugin” is no longer marked as mandatory when saving a display.
The player ID is now displayed correctly in Japanese, Korean, Arabic, and Chinese characters.
We’ve fixed an issue where a changed display name and screen controller values weren’t saved when creating a player.
We’ve made improvements to the FAST API.
We’ve fixed an API issue where "Type": "string" was missing from the response and Swagger when getting spot groups.
We’ve fixed an API issue where getting spot groups by ID resulted in a 403 forbidden error even though the spot group didn’t exist or wasn't found.
We’ve fixed an API issue with a 400 bad request error (Value of permissions is required) when trying to post a spot or template group as a standard user.
We’ve fixed an API issue with a 400 bad request error (Value of permissions is required) when trying to post a spot group as a location user.
We’ve fixed an API issue with a 400 bad request error (Value of permissions is required) when trying to put a spot group as a location user.
We’ve fixed an API issue with a 400 bad request error (Value of permissions is required) when trying to put a spot or template group as a standard user
We’ve fixed an API issue where details of the general error were found on logs/API but not on the response.
We’ve fixed an API issue where posting a template group with root parent resulted in a 400 bad request.
We’ve fixed an API issue where posting media groups as a standard user resulted in a 400 bad request (Value of permissions is required).
We’ve fixed an API issue where posting media groups as a location user resulted in a 400 bad request (Value of permissions is required).
We’ve fixed an API issue where putting media groups as a location user resulted in a 400 bad request (Value of permissions is required).
We’ve fixed an API issue where putting media groups as a standard user resulted in a 400 bad request (Value of permissions is required).
We’ve fixed an API issue where location users could see template groups when getting spot groups even if they couldn’t see them in the IXM Platform.
We’ve fixed an API issue where getting the parents of a spotGroupID resulted in a 400 bad request.
We’ve fixed an API issue where getting children of a spotGroupID resulted in a 400 bad request.
We’ve fixed an API issue where getting spot groups by ID sometimes resulted in 403 forbidden when it should have been 404 not found.
We’ve fixed an API issue where getting spot group parents sometimes resulted in 403 forbidden when it should have been 404 not found.
We’ve fixed an API issue where getting spot group children sometimes resulted in 403 forbidden when it should have been 404 not found.
We’ve fixed an API issue where getting media groups by ID resulted in 200 OK when it should have been 404 not found.
We’ve fixed an API issue where getting media group parents by ID resulted in 500 when it should have been 404 not found.
We’ve fixed an API issue where getting media group children by ID resulted in 500 when it should have been 404 not found.
We’ve fixed an API issue where getting spot groups resulted in 200 even though the responses were false.
We’ve fixed an API issue where the response for getting spot groups by ID didn’t include permissions.
We’ve fixed an API issue where getting children of a spot group resulted in 200 even though the permissions on the response were false.
We’ve fixed an API issue where getting parents of a spot group resulted in 200 even though the permissions on the response were false.
We’ve fixed an API issue where POST spot groups returned a 400 instead of 403 when the user had no permission for the parent spot group.
We’ve fixed an issue where a user with only read permission could drag and drop a spot group to a target group.
We’ve fixed an issue where a user with only read permission could drag and drop a media group to a target group.
We’ve fixed an issue where changes to user groups were sometimes not implemented right away but only after reloading the data or logging again.
User groups that are not assigned to user are no longer displayed as assigned user groups when creating a new spot group/media group/location.
We’ve fixed an API issue where DELETE spot group also deleted media groups.
We’ve fixed an issue where the ImmoImporter logged the same entry after uploading invalid client.json file onto file system.
We’ve fixed an API issue where PUT location always lead to a 400 bad request.
We’ve fixed an issue where DataSpots no longer deleted logs and data entered in the filecleaner.xml after updating to version 11.15.
We’ve fixed an issue where it wasn’t possible to change the configuration group of a player after creation.
We’ve fixed an API issue where changing an item in a specific playlist version incorrectly resulted in a 500 error.
We’ve made changes to the API by extending the permissions in the response of playlists versions and locations with the new permission “ReceiveMessage”.
We’ve made changes to the API schema.
We’ve fixed an API issue with GET location parents/children where the response was 200 OK when it should have been 400.
We’ve fixed an issue where a location user was able to edit spot properties despite read only permission.
We’ve fixed an issue where the widget “GFPlayerOnlineWidget” didn’t allow saving once incorrect dates were set in the custom display range despite switching the dates to “Now”.
We’ve fixed an API issue where POST location returned 201 created even though the permissions of the user group were not assigned to the user.
We’ve fixed an API issue where PUT location returned 200 OK even though the permissions of the user group were not assigned to the user.
We’ve fixed an API issue where POST location returned 201 created even though the user didn’t get the required permissions.
We’ve fixed an API issue where PUT location returned 200 OK even though the user didn’t get the required permissions.
We’ve fixed an issue where the HTML Composer didn’t show effects when editing the canvas.
When updating from an API client developed against API version 1.14 or earlier to IXM Platform version 11.15 or later, the location’s "ReceiveMessage" permission always gets deleted.
We’ve fixed an API issue where the username in the change logs was incorrect when changing a playlist version item.
When removing user groups, there’s a new message which indicates that you need to keep at least one user group that your user belongs to ensure access.
We’ve fixed an API issue where POST location returned 403 forbidden but the log details were not in the response.
We’ve fixed an API issue where PUT location returned 403 forbidden but the log details were not in the response.
The “Playlists” pane no longer gets stuck but loads seamlessly when clicking quickly.
The “Save” button no longer remains active after discarding changes under “Administration > Global > Notification”.
Backend service versions are now renewed with every new release.
We’ve fixed an API issue where GET location children returned 200 OK when the location's permission is missing.
We’ve fixed an API issue where GET location parents returned 200 OK when the location's permission is missing.
We’ve fixed an API issue where POST location returned “Value cannot be null” when the parent ID was wrong.
We’ve fixed an API issue where PUT location returned 200 OK when the parent ID didn’t exist.
We’ve fixed an API issue where PUT spot groups returned 400 instead of 200 OK.
We’ve fixed an API issue where GET MediaGroups/{id} sometimes returned 200 OK and an empty response instead of the media group.
We’ve fixed an API issue with GET location where the category was displayed in the response even though the user had no permissions for it.
We’ve fixed an API issue with POST location where a category was assigned even though the category was not visible to the user.
We’ve fixed an API issue with PUT location where a category was assigned even though the category was not visible to the user.
We’ve fixed an API issue with PUT category where a category was assigned even though the category was not visible to the user.
We’ve fixed an API issue with GET MediaGroups/{id} where not all user groups were listed.
We’ve fixed an API issue with PUT location additional data where the response was 200 OK but should have been 400 as the requested value was inherited.
We’ve fixed an API issue where GET SpotGroups/{id} had incorrect "Implemenation Notes".
We’ve fixed an API issue with GET players where the "ReadNotificationsCount" was incorrect.
We’ve improved the error message that appears when entering data for a display configuration in a wrong format.
We’ve fixed an issue where the location list SQL query was executed twice and therefore slow.
We’ve fixed an API issue with PUT players where there were no change log traces in the IXM Platform after putting.
We’ve fixed an API issue with POST players where there were no change log traces in the IXM Platform after posting.
We’ve fixed an API issue with DELETE players where there were no change log traces in the IXM Platform after the deletion.
We’ve fixed an API issue with PUT players categories where it was possible to assign categories from a higher hierarchy level which is not allowed.
We’ve fixed an API issue with PUT locations categories where it was possible to assign categories from a higher hierarchy level which is not allowed.
Player time is no longer converted to the IXM Platform time zone for spots and spot instances.
We’ve fixed an issue where an HTML Composer spot couldn’t be edited in some browsers.
The file cleaner no longer receives a “Denied” error message when trying to read system disk information from a hidden folder.
We’ve fixed an issue where loading the server message took longer than expected.
We’ve fixed an issue where POST spot statistics responded with 409 if the master.config had no setting for DB:StagingReportData.
We’ve fixed an issue where it wasn’t possible to download spot files because the download times were not interpreted correctly.
We’ve fixed an issue where filter without a name was named Object [Object] and couldn’t be deleted.
The RemoteAddress is now included in the player system information for players that use the Player API (Android & Qt 11.15 or later).
Known issues
Users may not see media that they’ve uploaded into a media group under Media management > Selectable media because it’s not set to public.
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IXM Version 11.15.3
Resolved issues
We’ve fixed an API issue with GET location where the category was displayed in the response even though the user had no permissions for it.
We’ve fixed an API issue with POST location where the category was assigned even though it was not visible to the user.
We’ve fixed an API issue with PUT location where the category was assigned even though it was not visible to the user.
We’ve fixed an API issue with PUT location categories where the category was assigned even though it was not visible to the user.
We’ve fixed an API issue where GET SpotGroups/{id} had incorrect implementation notes.
We’ve fixed an issue where the location list query was slow due to a redundant SQL query execution.
We’ve added missing German translations when adding media in the HTML Composer.
We’ve fixed an issue where the "Player Installations" widget didn’t hide the "To date" even though "Show data until today" was selected.
We’ve fixed an API issue with PUT players categories where it was possible to assign categories from a higher hierarchy level.
It’s now possible to delete and edit spot groups under Administration > Content > Content Groups > Spot Groups for users with permission.
We’ve fixed an API issue where GET /Players returned status 500 when filtering by category.
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IXM Version 11.15.2
Resolved issues
We’ve fixed an issue where a location user could edit spot properties that should be read-only.
We’ve fixed an issue where saving changes in the “Player online/offline” widget was disabled when changing from an invalid custom display range to "Now".
We’ve fixed an issue where effects like background color where not visible when editing the canvas in the HTML Composer.
We’ve fixed an API issue that requires you to set includeTemplateGroups to true when retrieving a template group. Otherwise, you will receive a 404 error even if you already have the correct ID.
We’ve fixed an API issue that requires you to set includeArchive to true when retrieving an archived media group. Otherwise, you will receive a 404 error even if you already have the correct ID.
We’ve fixed an API issue where updating a spot group with PUT/spot groups returned an incorrect response if the spot group was not a default spot group.
We’ve fixed an API issue where GET {{host}}/v1.15/MediaGroups/{{mediaGroupId}} always returned status 200 with null.
We’ve fixed an API issue where requesting spot groups with GET SpotGroups/{id} didn’t return all spot groups for the user’s user groups.
We’ve fixed an API issue where requesting media groups with GET MediaGroups/{id} didn’t return all media groups for the user’s user groups.
Known issues
It's not possible to delete or edit spot groups under Administration > Content > Content Groups > Spot Groups because the “Edit” and “Delete” buttons don't appear even though the user has permissions.
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IXM Version 11.15.1
New features
With this version we've implemented the following features:
Spot templates for location users
We’ve added a new setting that you can use to give location users access to spot templates. By default, location users can’t access spot templates in the spot list. To enable access to spot templates for location users, perform the following steps:
Access one of the following folders on the server:
To add this setting for all customers, go to the default folder 00000.
To add this setting for one customer, go to the customer-specific folder 000xx (xx is the customer ID).
Open the config.json file.
Add the following line under the cms settings: "allowTemplateSpotCreationForLocationUser": true
Save your changes and close the file.
Resolved issues
We’ve fixed an issue where DataSpots no longer deleted logs and data entered in the filecleaner.xml after updating to version 11.15. In addition, the recursive flag in the filecleaner.xml was ignored while cleaning up the file.
We’ve fixed an issue where it wasn’t possible to change the configuration group of a player after creation.
We’ve fixed an issue where it was possible to remove a spot from the inherited content level of a multilevel playlist.
We’ve fixed an issue where the date from which DOOH was deactivated was incorrect.
We’ve fixed an issue where it wasn’t possible to post locations via the API.
We’ve fixed an issue where it wasn’t possible to put locations via the API.
The valid from/to dates of an API key are now correctly converted and saved in UTC.
It’s now possible to change the configuration group of a player after creation.
We’ve fixed an issue where the API endpoint threw a 500 error when providing a spot ID.
Known issues
Although DOOH is disabled, the message type "DOOH booking item changes from Waiting List to Reserved" is visible and selectable for admins in the news center settings.
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IXM Version 11.15.0
New features
With this version we've implemented the following features:
IXM Platform API extension
With this version, we’ve extended our IXM Platform API with more functionality for locations, player status and details, and more.
Clear spot search result
If you’re searching for a specific spot in your selectable spots and no spot matches your filter criteria, you’ll now see a corresponding message instead of an empty container. This helps to clarify that the search was completed and nothing was found.
Player provisioning website
The new provisioning website for the Windows & Linux and Android Player simplifies the initialization process. It allows you to initialize the player without using a keyboard and it enables offsite player initialization.
Resolved issues
We’ve fixed an issue where IXM Platform users couldn’t create other users when selecting to send a welcome email.
We’ve fixed an issue where adding a second screen layout didn’t trigger the required action list entry GetScreenConfigs.
We’ve improved the layout of the installer.
We’ve made an adjustment so that a regular expression also works for case-sensitive passwords.
We’ve fixed an issue with the Player API where updates were sent to the player while a CRC was pending.
Changing the Box-ID is no longer possible for players that don’t support it.
We’ve fixed an issue where the media handler couldn’t create thumbnails for ASC spots because the ucrtbase.dll was missing.
Standard users with write permission can now edit playlists in grid view.
We’ve fixed a time zone issue where the time was wrong after the beginning of daylight saving time.
We’ve fixed an issue where the spot thumbnail view was sometimes incorrect or empty.
We’ve fixed an issue where a newly created player didn’t appear in the player list.
We’ve fixed an issue where the wrong time was displayed after changing the timezone.
Logging in via OIDC and SAML works again.
We’ve fixed an issue where the reports search field still displayed search results after using the backspace key.
We’ve fixed an issue where for players using the latest API, the cleanup would delete all files of a certain age, regardless of whether they were in use or not.
We’ve fixed an issue where the default time in the news center outbox was wrong.
We’ve fixed an issue where the receiving time of a not restricted notification was wrong.
We’ve fixed an issue where an error occurred when trying to export a playlist to Excel.
We’ve added a German translation for the switch to news center dialog that was missing when logging in via OIDC.
We’ve fixed an issue where if the download of a spot file failed, it wasn’t made available to the player for download again.
It’s no longer possible to add a holiday that occurs in the past to the holiday list.
We’ve fixed an issue where DataCalc was only triggered in the IXM Platform via the “Save” button when it should also be triggered if the change only takes place in the DB.
We’ve fixed an issue where available user groups no longer displayed ASC by default.
The "Edit" and "Delete" buttons are now disabled for available playlists with only a read permission.
We’ve fixed an issue where the header image in the "Corporate news" mail wasn’t the image selected in the IXM Platform.
We’ve removed a duplicate entry from a language file.
We’ve fixed an issue where sorting a table in the IXM Platform by "Last Login" didn’t work correctly in some cases.
We’ve fixed an issue where switching to Czech in the IXM Platform login screen lead to an error.
Uploading a Wizard spot via the API no longer fails.
The IXM Platform now supports Slovak.
We’ve fixed an issue where sometimes emails weren’t sent because the image file for the template couldn’t be found when using generic email templates.
We’ve fixed an issue with broken DLL files in the UDC plugin deployment.
We’ve fixed a wrong checkbox label and tooltip for live tags.
Known issues
“Creation” and “Last changed” time and time zone of a spot may not be the same as the IXM Platform or server time and time zone.
There's a performance issue when loading the change log for spots that increases the latency.
Sometimes emails can have a thumbs.db file attached that was not added in the IXM Platform. The file is created by Windows when you browse the folder with preview enabled. By default, this is a hidden file that you can’t see.
Update to 11.15
Update plugins
When you update from a previous version to 11.15, the installer updates the following plugins automatically:
You must manually update all other UDC and ReportingGateway (RG) plugins that you use.
To update RG plugins, stop the service and exchange each required plugin folder (e.g. DoohImporterPlugin). We recommend deleting the old folder and copy/pasting the new folder instead of overwriting it. Don’t forget to restart the service afterwards.
To update UDC plugins, stop the service and copy all relevant plugin files into the plugins folder. Note that there are no subfolders per plugin here. Restart the service afterwards.
Breaking change
Mail templates date format
Previously, the date value in mail templates was formatted from the backend and could be output directly in the template. As of 11.15, however, the date is transferred as an ISO date string YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.MS and no longer formatted. That means when using mail templates like “MessageCenterMediaExpiryWarning” the date format switches from the intended DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS to YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.MS.
To fix this, we’ve implemented a helper function on the server side to format the date in the template. This helper function is called at all places where the value is output and the value and format passed.
We’ve modified the mail templates so that they all use the formatter by default. You can find the latest mail template versions in the release folder.
You must deploy the mail templates into the desired customer directory on the specific server.
Solution for custom templates
Note that this change needs to be applied in custom mail templates when upgrading to 11.15. Otherwise, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.MS is output directly.
You must call the helper function at all places in the template where the value is output and the value and format passed.
For example, in the mail template “MessageCenterDoohBookingItemChangedToReserved” the value "Content.BookingItem.To" can no longer be output directly via {{ Content.BookingItem.To }}. You must now use the helper function in the following way: {{ Format Content.BookingItem.To "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"}}
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IXM Version 11.14.2
Resolved issues
We’ve fixed an issue where IXM Platform users couldn’t create other users when selecting to send a welcome email.
We’ve fixed an issue where users could see user groups not assigned to them under certain circumstances.
We’ve fixed an issue where playlists were disabled in grid view for standard users even though they had write permissions.
We’ve fixed a time zone issue where the time was wrong after the beginning of daylight saving time.
The login via OIDC works now.
We’ve fixed an issue where the default time in the news center outbox didn’t match the IXM Platform time.
We’ve fixed an issue where the timestamp of a news center message didn’t match the IXM Platform time.
We’ve added a German translation for the switch to news center dialogue that was missing when logging in via OIDC.
We’ve fixed an issue where if the download of a spot file failed, it wasn’t made available to the player for download again.
Known issues
The time and time zone of creation date and last changed date of a spot may not be the same as the IXM Platform or server time and time zone.
In the Czech version of the IXM Platform, the "Restart Player" button text is not displayed correctly.
Hotfix 2
We’ve fixed an issue where switching to Czech in the IXM Platform caused an error.
The IXM Platform now supports Slovak.
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IXM Version 11.14.1
New features
With this version we've implemented the following features:
Extend standard user rights
As of this version, not only admin users can create, edit, copy, and delete program schemes, screen layouts, and playlist definitions. With newly added permission settings, admins can give standard users the rights to do this too. As an admin, you can grant those permissions via permission groups. Note that this setting is optional and doesn’t change any existing standard user behavior.
Resolved issues
The “Edit” and “Delete” buttons are no longer displayed on mouseover when a user has only read permission for an available playlist.
We’ve fixed an issue where no notifications were sent via email and in the IXM Platform when a new playlist was released.
We’ve fixed an issue where permissions were saved incorrectly when editing a permission group.
Known issues
The login via SAML and OIDC doesn't work.
Hotfix 1
We’ve fixed an issue where users could see user groups that aren't assigned to them under certain circumstances.
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IXM Version 11.14.0
New features
With this version we've implemented the following features:
Delete user data
As of this version, the IXM Platform provides a concept for cleaning up personal user data to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If there is a request to delete a specific user, it’s now possible to purge their data from the IXM Platform after the user has been deleted.
Admins can purge user data via the API after creating an API key in the current application. A cleanup service that runs every day deletes all relevant user data of users who have been deleted for more than a configurable number of days. Note that a user can't be restored after the data purge.
Case-insensitive usernames
As of this version, IXM Platform usernames are no longer case-sensitive. This means that the system no longer checks for uppercase and lowercase letters. This makes it easier for users to log in, especially those using an email address as username. This change applies to the login via both UI and API.
Date format improvements in Swedish
For IXM Platform users who use the IXM Platform in Swedish, the week in the date picker now starts with Monday. This replaces the previously used US format which starts on Sunday.
Additionally, we’ve changed the date format to YYYY/MM/DD for users who use the IXM Platform in Swedish. This corresponds to the local date format and replaces the previously used format DD/MM/YYYY.
Email service improvements
With this version, we’ve unified several mail service implementations. In addition, the blacklist option has been implemented in the mail queue service for player and location email addresses that are notified by the message center.
Extension at tools
With this version, we have created the possibility to extend the "Tools" menu for customers and consultants. For more information contact your Grassfish partner.
Changed default values
With this version, we’ve changed the following default values for keeping system information in the master.config file:
For deleting system information data, the new default maximum age is 90 days.
The number of entries that are deleted at once is now 5000 by default.
The setting to consider the last access date for system info to keep is now set to true by default. That means, the data is deleted relative to player’s last access date.
Resolved issues
We’ve removed an unnecessary vertical scrollbar when editing the “Valid from/to” dates of multiple spots.
We’ve fixed an issue where an online player was displayed as offline player and “LastTimeOnline” was incorrect.
Importing UDC elements with large numbers no longer causes an error.
During an update from an IXM Platform version earlier than 11.4 to version 11.4 or later, the installation of the Player API is now enabled by default.
We’ve fixed an issue where the language in the spot editor was wrong if the preferred user language wasn't specified in the master.config file.
We’ve added a missing German translation in the preview link window.
The email for password reset is now sent in the preferred user language.
Known issues
After an update, an error can occur when you try to export a playlist to Excel. Check the config settings and perform the following workaround if necessary: find the following line in the web.config file of the WebCommon and remove it:
After the installation, the file MAINSERVERPATH\Tools\ChromeScreenshotTool\ucrtbase.dll may be missing. This causes the thumbnail generation of ASC spots to fail.
As a workaround, in a distributed server environment, make sure to update the backend server first.
Alternatively, if the file is already missing, manually copy the file \gfstor002\gfrelease\11.14\DSManagerPro\11.14.0 Build #168\Hotfix\ucrtbase.dll to MAINSERVERPATH\Tools\ChromeScreenshotTool\ucrtbase.dll.
The login via SAML and OIDC doesn't work.
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IXM Version 11.13.4
Resolved issues
Standard users can now create users and send them welcome emails.
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IXM Version 11.13.3
Resolved issues
We've fixed an issue with preferred user languages that occurred when only one language was assigned to the customer in the master.config settings.
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IXM Version 11.13.2
New features
With this version we've implemented the following features:
HW monitor improvements
With this version, we’ve improved the graphs of the HW monitor. They now contain units of measurement for the designated axes.
Spot preview link
As an admin or standard user, you can now create a public link to the preview of a spot or media file in the IXM Platform.
Specify a preferred user language
As of this version, admins can specify a preferred user language for each user of the IXM Platform. This allows you to preselect the IXM Platform language for the user.
Show content from subgroups/templates preset
It’s now possible to enable the filter options “Show contents from subgroups as well” and “Display template groups” in the spot and media selection by default.
Resolved issues
We’ve fixed an issue where changing a website spot failed without warning.
We’ve fixed an issue with the Grassfish Server installer due to a reset of the stored services password.
Long paths with more than 255 characters are now supported in .Net Framework 4.6.2 projects.
We’ve fixed an issue where a player that is offline appears to be online in the IXM Platform “SysInfo”.
It’s now possible to select a spot to attach when sending a media notification from the “Media groups” pane.
We’ve removed unnecessary scrollbars next to the "from/to" times when setting a time filter.
Playlists no longer disappear when you sort the playlist pool by creation date.
We’ve fixed translations in English and German that didn’t match.
Standard+ users can no longer see add-ons that they have no permissions for.
UDC plugins now use the correct path to create the log folder.
We’ve fixed an issue where after changing the screen layouts in the IXM Platform the playback of the spots sometimes didn’t start when the content download finished.
Categories and tags are no longer mixed up in the user group permissions.
We’ve fixed an issue where some messages in the news center included a ghost attachment.
We’ve fixed an issue where text removal was very slow in the spot editor.
The dashboard widget now displays correct user login history data.
The tooltip in the “Media group” pane is now called “Send media notification” instead of “Send spot notification.”
We’ve temporarily created a workaround that fixed an issue with the MultiMigrationScript where refreshing views with concatenated schema names failed.
We’ve completely fixed the issue with the MultiMigrationScript where refreshing views with concatenated schema names failed.
“All locations” is no longer displayed as “ROOT” when you select a location in the user management.
We’ve fixed an issue where it wasn’t possible to assign locations in the IXM user management via drag and drop.
We’ve updated the picture and logo in the login window.
We’ve fixed an issue where a server exception occurred sometimes when deleting a main location.
The inbox and outbox now display a message’s recipients, locations, pictures, attachments, and assigned media/spot after the message has been saved as a draft or sent.
We’ve fixed an issue in the user location assignment where the fields “Assigned player” and “Assigned location” were empty for admin users.
User-specific settings in the filter options for spot groups are now saved.
We’ve fixed an issue where the “Dashboard” was the landing page although the “Playlist” tab was defined as such in the config file.
Known issues
An error can occur when you try to export a playlist to Excel.