Enable SSP on Android
- 07 Dec 2023
- 2 Minutes to read
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Enable SSP on Android
- Updated on 07 Dec 2023
- 2 Minutes to read
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You can enable SSP on an individual Android Player or for the whole player configuration group. Enable SSP in one of the following ways:
Enable SSP with DOOH
To use both DOOH and SSP, perform the following steps to enable SSP:
- In the IXM Platform, go to the player configuration or configuration group:
- For an individual player, go to Channels > Location. Double-click on your player and select Edit next to Configuration in the Edit player window.
- For a configuration group, go to Administration > Player > Configurationgroups and double-click on the configuration group.
- In the Edit configuration group window, select Display extended modules.
- Under Modules, select DOOH > SSP.
- Under Settings, select Enable SPP.
- Optionally, change the SSP load timeout (in ms). If loading the SSP spot takes longer than the timeout, the system skips the spot.
- Optionally, change the SSP playback count. This specifies how many of the last spots are SSP spots (example).
- Optionally, change the SSP playback look behind. The system looks at the last specified number of spots to analyze whether the playout should be SSP (example).
- Click Save to save your changes.
- Restart the player service or reboot the player for your changes to take effect.
Enable SSP without DOOH
To use only SSP without DOOH, perform the following steps to enable SSP:
- In the IXM Platform, go to the player configuration or configuration group:
- For an individual player, go to Channels > Location. Double-click on your player and select Edit next to Configuration in the Edit player dialog.
- For a configuration group, go to Administration > Player > Configuration groups and double-click on the configuration group.
- In the Edit configuration group window, select Display extended modules.
- Under Modules, select Player > SSP.
- Under Settings, select Enable SPP.
- Optionally, change the SSP load timeout (in ms). If loading the SSP spot takes longer than the timeout, the system skips the spot.
- Optionally, change the SSP playback count. This specifies how many of the last spots should be SSP spots (example).
- Optionally, change the SSP playback look behind. The system looks at the last specified number of spots to analyze whether the next spot should be SSP (example).
- Click Save to save your changes.
- Restart the player service or reboot the player for your changes to take effect.
Example SSP configuration
To have a maximum of 20% SSP played, specify the following values:
- sspPlaybackCount = 1
- sspPlaybackLookBehind = 5
The player will check if an SSP spot was played among the last four spots. If not, it will try to play an SSP spot.