Set cleanup of deleted bookings
  • 06 Sep 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

Set cleanup of deleted bookings

Article summary

By default, DataGateway regularly cleans up deleted bookings and booking items. It removes deleted bookings from the following tables:

  • dooh.Bookings

  • dooh.BookingItems

  • dooh.SpotInstances

  • dooh.BookingItemScreens

  • dooh.BookingItemAnalogScreens

  • dooh.BookingItemHandlingCosts

  • dooh.BookingItemCategoryGroups

  • dooh.BookingItemTags

  • dooh.SalesPeople

  • dooh.Printouts

The cleanup happens during the scheduled maintenance period and after the deleted bookings have been retained for a configurable period of time. To configure the cleanup, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the master.config file on the server with a text editor like Notepad++.

  2. Under DataGateway, configure the following settings:

    • Set the value of Maintenance.DoohBookingCleanupBatchSize to the number of items to delete.

    • Set the value of Maintenance.DoohBookingCleanupEnabled to false if you want to disable the cleanup. The default value is true.

    • Set the value of Maintenance.MaxDaysForDeletedBookingsToKeep to the maximum number of days for which you want to keep deleted bookings. The minimum is 1 day.

  3. Save your changes and close the file.

<appSettings type="DataGateway">
	<add key="Maintenance.DoohBookingCleanupBatchSize" value="500" />
	<add key="Maintenance.DoohBookingCleanupEnabled" value="true" />
    <add key="Maintenance.MaxDaysForDeletedBookingsToKeep" value="90" />

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