Screen controller doesn't work
  • 14 Oct 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

Screen controller doesn't work

Article summary


Screen controller doesn’t work as intended with RS-232. Your screen controller configuration is incorrect.


The following steps can help you identify and solve the issue.

Check the configuration

  1. To ensure that you’ve added the COM port, go to the player configuration or the configuration group:

    • For an individual player, go to Channels > Location. Double-click on your player and select Edit next to Configuration in the Edit player window.

    • For a configuration group, go to Administration > Player > Configuration groups and double-click on the configuration group.

  2. In the Edit configuration group window, ensure that Display extended modules is selected.

  3. Under Modules, select ScreenController > Screen.

  4. Ensure that the Device Name of monitor 1 matches the name of your COM port.

Check the hardware

In addition to the signal cable, usually an HDMI cable, RS-232 control also requires a control cable that must be connected to the RS-232 interface.

Ensure that this cable is present, correctly connected, and compatible with your system. Otherwise, the IXM Platform configuration can’t take effect.

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