SAML config parameters
  • 05 Feb 2025
  • 3 Minutes to read

SAML config parameters

Article summary


  • CustomerCode Required

    Default: string.Empty

    Users is mapped to the given customer (Applikation).

  • CustomerLoginType Required

    Default: string.Empty

    If there is a specific implementation for a customer, please use this login type. However, in general, the value should be Generic.

  • CmsPageUrl Required

    Default: string.Empty


    The URL to the IXM Platform. Since version 11.16.0, this parameter can be overridden by setting a value for the parameter LoginSuccessRedirectUrl.

  • GrassfishSignature Optional

    Default: string.Empty

    Example: C:\GVServer2\configs\Saml\grassfish-certificate.pfx

    If set, this certificate is loaded to sign the SAML response.

  • GrassfishSignaturePassword Optional

    Default: string.Empty

    Password of the GrassfishSignature certificate.

  • ServiceProviderIssuerOverride Optional

    Default: string.Empty

    Example: http://custom-issuer/

    If set, this issuer is used during the Authn-Request, otherwise the absolute URL of the SamlLogin-web application is used.

  • ServiceProviderEntityID Optional

    Default: value from MainServerURL otherwise string.Empty

    This value is used for the EntityId in the grassfish-metadata.xml file.

  • ServiceProviderDescriptorID Optional

    Default: 09C6524B01AA4657BAB26C0970BFF497

    This value is used for the Id in the grassfish-metadata.xml file.

  • IdentityProviderMetadata Optional

    Default: string.Empty

    Example: C:\GVServer2\SAML\idp_metadata.xml

    If set, this metadata XML is used (locally or over HTTP; we recommend locally) to validate the identity provider responses. This is the default for the SAML setup.

  • SignOnUrl Required

    Default: string.Empty

    Example: https://idp-domain/idp-endpoint

    The Authn-Request is sent against this URL. The user logs in at the identity provider.

  • IdentityProviderSignature Optional

    Default: string.Empty

    Example: C:\GVServer2\SAML\idp_signature.pem

    If set, this certificate is loaded to validate the identity provider's signature. Typically, you don’t need this setting because the certificate is included in the identity provider's metadata file.

  • ResponseDecryptCertificate Optional

    Default: string.Empty

    Example: C:\GVServer2\SAML\idp_decrypt.pem

    If set, this certificate is used to decrypt the SAML-Assertions.

  • ResponseDecryptCertificatePassword Optional

    Default: string.Empty

    Password of the ResponseDecryptCertificate certificate.

  • AssertionConsumerUrlOverride Optional

    Default: string.Empty

    Example: http://sp-domain/custom-consumer

    If set, the AssertionConsumerServiceUrl is used during the authn request, otherwise the absolute URL of SamlLogin/Consumer.aspx is used.

  • UseSHA256 Optional

    Default: true

    If true, SHA256 is used to sign the requests, otherwise SHA1 is used.

  • LoginSuccessRedirectUrl Required

    Default: string.Empty

    Example: https://<IXM-Platform-URL>/gv2/gf/GFWebHtml/cms/index.html#external?autologin=bysession&amp;sh=@@sh@@&amp;cid=@@customerId@@&amp;userID=@@userId@@&amp;customerName=@@customerCode@@"/>

    The URL template for the redirect URL to the IXM Platform. If this parameter is set, it overrides the default parameter CmsPageUrl. The server automatically replaces reserved keywords such as @@customerCode@@. Special characters in the URL template must be url encoded. The following keywords are supported:


Replaced with



Session hash

Available in 11.16 and later


User ID

Available in 11.16 and later


Customer ID

Available in 11.16 and later


Customer code

Available in 11.16 and later


Customer name

Available in 11.16 and later

Generic Login

User settings

  • Generic.ExternalUserIdAttribute Optional
    Default: string.Empty
    If set, this Assertion-Attribute is used to map and identify the user in the IXM Platform. Otherwise, Assertion.Subject.NameId is used.

  • Generic.EmailAttribute Required
    Default: string.Empty
    This Assertion-Attribute is used to set the email address of the user in the IXM Platform.

  • Generic.FirstNameAttribute Required
    Default: string.Empty
    This Assertion-Attribute is used to set the first name of the user in the IXM Platform.

  • Generic.LastNameAttribute Required
    Default: string.Empty

    This Assertion-Attribute is used to set the last name of the user in the IXM Platform.

  • Generic.ExtendUserValidityInDays Optional
    Default: 0
    If the value is greater than 0, the validity of the user is set to today + Generic.ExtendUserValidityInDays.

  • CreateUserIfNotExists Optional
    Default: true
    If true, the user is created in the IXM Platform if they don’t exist yet, and the Auth-Request against the identity provider was successful.
    If false, the user must exist in the IXM Platform or the login doesn’t work.

Language settings

  • Generic.UseBrowserLanguage Optional
    Default: false
    If true, the system tries to use the browser language in the IXM Platform. Otherwise, it uses Generic.PreferredLanguageAttribute first and Generic.PreferredLanguage as a fallback.

  • Generic.PreferredLanguageAttribute Optional
    Default: string.Empty
    If set, the IXM Platform language is taken from the provided Assertion-Attribute.

  • Generic.PreferredLanguageValue Optional
    Default: en
    If no other language option is set, this language is used in the IXM Platform.

Customer settings

Generic.CustomerCodeAttribute or Generic.CustomerCodeValue is required.

  • Generic.CustomerCodeAttribute Optional
    Default: string.Empty
    If set, the CustomerCode of the user is taken from the provided Assertion-Attribute. Otherwise, Generic.CustomerCodeValue is used.

  • Generic.CustomerCodeValue Optional
    Default: string.Empty
    If Generic.CustomerCodeAttribute is empty, this CustomerCode is used for the login.

Permission settings

Generic.PermissionGroupAttribute or Generic.PermissionGroupValue is required.

  • Generic.UpdatePermissionGroupForExistingUsers Optional
    Default: false
    If true, the permission group is overwritten during every login of the user.

  • Generic.PermissionGroupAttribute Optional
    Default: string.Empty
    If set, this Assertion-Attribute is used to set the permission group of the user.

  • Generic.PermissionGroupValue Optional
    Default: string.Empty
    If Generic.PermissionGroupAttribute is empty, the user gets this permission group.

User group settings

Generic.UserGroupAttribute or Generic.UserGroupValue is required.

  • Generic.UpdateUserGroupsForExistingUsers Optional
    Default: false
    If true, the user groups is reassigned to the user during every login.

  • ClearUserGroupsForExistingUsers Optional
    Default: false
    If true, all user groups of the user are cleared before assigning new user groups.

  • Generic.UserGroupAttribute Optional
    Default: string.Empty
    If set, this Assertion-Attribute is used to set the user groups of the user.

  • Generic.UserGroupValue Optional
    Default: string.Empty
    If Generic.UserGroupAttribute is empty, the user gets these user groups.

  • Generic.UserGroupDelimiter Optional
    Default: string.Empty
    If set, this delimiter is used to assign multiple user groups to the user.

Log settings

  • DebugSaveSamlAttributes Optional
    Default: false
    If true, the assertion is available in the log file with LogLevel 5.

  • DebugSaveSamlResponse Optional
    Default: false
    If true, the SAML response is available in the log file with LogLevel 3.

  • EnableSamlTraceLog Optional
    Default: false
    If true, the system logs the SAML trace into the log file located in the SAML log directory under saml_trace.

Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.