HTML Basic spots
  • 01 Sep 2023
  • 4 Minutes to read

HTML Basic spots

Article summary

HTML Basic spots are websites that are stored locally on the player. They can be parameterized in the IXM Platform (CMS) to a very slight degree only. For broader integration into the Grassfish system, please use HTML Wizard spots.

File structure

The website must contain a file with the name index.html. This file serves as an entry point for the website. Furthermore, the website can have random subdirectories which must always be addressed relatively within the site.

The HTML site must be zipped prior to being uploaded in the Grassfish IXM Platform, the file extension must be

If the ZIP file has been correctly uploaded into the Grassfish IXM Platform, it is created in the system as a spot with the following thumbnail:

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated with low confidence

Player file system and invocation of the HTML Basic spot

Both on Windows and on Linux players the basic directory of the web server hosting the website is the media directory. The local path to the HTML spot is spot-specific: /ZipSpots/[FileName]/index.html

Log files

During spot development and during the debugging process, we recommend keeping the log files of the Grassfish player in mind.


The general player log files are located here: C:\GVClient\log\Player

The player log files for the first screen are located here: C:\GVClient\log\Player1. Detailed information concerning when which spot was played is displayed here.


On the Linux Player, the player log files are located in the following directory: /opt/grassfish/logs/gfPlayer

On Windows Players, the website is hosted by IISExpress and is played based on the Internet Explorer installed on the player.

The website is invoked by the player as in the following example:



This is equivalent to the port that is configured on the player for playing HTML Basic spots (on the Windows player this is port 9090 by default).


A dynamic subdirectory path. This is different for each spot.


The width of the spot within the playlist (in pixels).


The height of the spot within the playlist (in pixels).


The background colour of the playlist (HEX value).


The spot instance ID of the spot. This is required for the retrieval of UDC data.


URL encoded path to the UDC web service (see chapter 6 UDC integration).


A Boolean value that specifies whether the player supports preloading and whether the website is preloaded or not.

By default, on Windows players the media directory and thus the web root are in: C:\GVClient\data\media\

Linux Qt Player

On Linux players, the website is hosted by lighttpd and is played based on the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF).

In the following example, the website is invoked by the player: http://localhost/ZipSpots/

The media directory and thus the web root are located by default in: /apps/grassfish/media/

There is another subdirectory media/media/, which is exclusively used for Composer media.
Tips for more efficient development:

For the development of a new HTML spot we recommend distributing (an earlier version of the spot) to a test player via the Grassfish IXM Platform and then transferring the data via WinSCP directly to the Linux player, in order to display an updated preview of the spot.

All spot files, including the spots, are located in the media directory, which can be found on Linux players in /opt/grassfish/. After downloading, the player unzips the files into a subdirectory with the name ZipSpots and into another subdirectory corresponding to the filename of the spot.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated with medium confidence

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated with medium confidenceA screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated with low confidence

For development, you can swap the files directly in the directory and then press button F5 on the player to restart the spot.

Android Players

On Android Players, the website is displayed in a WebView (android.webkit.WebView).

An invocation is shown in the following example: http://localhost:9090/zipSpots/[Filename]/index.html?usePreload=true 

Optionally, you can transfer one or more configurations by means of GET parameters.

By default, on Android players the media directory and therefore the web root are in: 

  • Prior to version 11.1: /storage/emulated/0/Download/grassfish/media/
  • From version 11.1: /storage/emulated/0/Download/GF/media/

Configurability of HTML Basic spots

HTML Basic spots can be configured like Flash spots via the so-called DynamicItems. The purpose of the DynamicItems is to give the spot certain configuration settings. An example would be a filter criterion with which the spot filters a data source or a color used to change the spot color. In the IXM Platform, you can provide the features for the spot with values before you drag it into the playlist.

These values are then copied to the spot in the playlist and can be adapted there again for each playlist independently of the basic spot. Upon invocation on the player these features are then transferred to the spot as URL parameters. All values are accordingly URL encoded on the player, which you should take into consideration in the spot development.


The configuration feature

	<DisplayName>Some boolean</DisplayName>

is transferred as follows via the URL on the player: …index.html?otherParams=otherValues&someBoolean=true

The spot value true can be changed in the Grassfish IXM Platform. For extended configuration options please use HTML Wizard spots.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
				<DisplayName>Some int</DisplayName>
				<DisplayName>Some string</DisplayName>
					<Value>Entry 1</Value>
					<Value>Entry 2</Value>
					<Value>Entry 3</Value>
				<Value>Entry 2</Value>
				<DisplayName>Some list entry</DisplayName>
				<DisplayName>Some boolean</DisplayName>
				<DisplayName>Some color</DisplayName>
  • settings > uploadSettings > usePreload
    This setting is read out during the upload and determines whether this HTML application will be preloaded or not.
If preloading is not supported by the player, the animations must be started immediately.
  • settings > uploadSettings > thumbnails > IXM Platform
    Defines the 80 x 60 pixel sized thumbnail that is displayed in the Grassfish IXM Platform for the spot. If nothing is specified here, the HTML5 default thumbnail is displayed in the Grassfish IXM Platform.
  • settings > uploadSettings > thumbnails > preview
    Defines the image that is displayed in the preview in the the Grassfish IXM Platform. If nothing is specified here, nothing is displayed in the preview in the Grassfish IXM Platform.
  • settings > uploadSettings > dynamicItems
    DynamicItems can be optionally defined here and are read out by the server while uploading the zipped spots. These features are transferred on the player as URL parameters and should therefore not be used to an excessive degree.

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