- 27 Sep 2024
- 1 Minute to read
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Disable content download during operating hours
- Updated on 27 Sep 2024
- 1 Minute to read
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By default, players download content instantly regardless of their operating hours. If you don’t want your player to download content during operating hours, you can enable a display setting in the IXM Platform and use it to control the content download.
Configure content download
To enable the setting in the IXM Platform, you must configure a setting in the master.config file and the config.json file.
To configure the master.config file, perform the following steps:
Open the master.config file on the server with a text editor like Notepad++.
Under global, find the setting EnableContentDownloadDuringOperationTimesRestriction or add it if necessary.
Set its value to true.
Save your changes and close the file.
<appSettings type="global">
<add key="EnableContentDownloadDuringOperationTimesRestriction" value="true"/>
To configure the config.json file, perform the following steps:
Navigate to the configuration files on the server at: GVServer2\www\gv2\gf\GFWebHtmlCustomer\
Open one of the following folders:
00000: edit configurations for the entire server, which means for all customers.
000xxx: edit customer-specific settings. xxx is the customer ID.
Open the config.json file in your folder with a text editor like Notepad++.
Find the setting restrictDownloadTimesEnabled and set it to true.
Save your changes and close the file.
"cms": {
"restrictDownloadTimesEnabled": true,
Enable download restriction
To disable content download during operating hours in the IXM Platform, perform the following steps:
Go to Channels > Location.
In the Location pane, select the location of your player.
In the Managing players pane, double-click on the player that you want to edit.
Switch to the Display tab.
Select No download during operating times.
Click Save to save your changes.