Designed News widget
  • 06 Nov 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read

Designed News widget

Article summary

With this spot, you can display static or current news from a news feed (including RSS feeds) via the UDC interface. You can select from various layouts and configure how the news are displayed.


Please contact Grassfish for information on how to get this widget.

System requirements

This widget requires IXM Platform version 11.0 or later.

Configure the spot

In the HTML Wizard, you can see all configurable spot elements in the tree structure of the spot. Changes are immediately visible in the spot preview.

You can also include HTML Wizard spots as widgets in the HTML Composer, or configure them in the Composer to use them independently.

Configure the following elements of the spot as desired:





Select one of the following spot resolutions:

  • 1920×1080

  • 1080x1920

Spot duration

Set the spot duration to 0.

The playback duration is determined via Number of news and Display duration. The spot will stop on its own after displaying the news.


Select to set a background color of the spot.

Click in the color selection box to select a color.


Select one of the following layouts and click + to add it:

  • Full-screen

  • Full-screen split

  • Cards

  • Cards, stacked


Data source

Enter the name of your data source.

To establish the connection, it must be identical to the description in the UDC data source. 

On error

Select what happens if the data source doesn’t provide any data:

  • Show static content

  • Quit spot

Static content


Click Add medium and select an image to display if you have chosen to display static content in case of an error.


Enter a headline to display as static content.

Message text

Enter a text to display as static content.


Number of news

Specify how many news entries from the UDC interface are displayed before the spot stops.     

Display duration

Specify the display duration of each news entry in seconds.


Select to show the news in random order. 

Layout > Full-screen


Click Edit and select one of the following themes: 

  • Light

  • Dark

Font color

Select a color for the text.


Select a font for the text. 

Animation speed

Select at which speed images, headlines, and texts are displayed: 

  • Fast

  • Normal

  • Slow

Layout > Full-screen split

Background color

Select a background color.

Font color

Select a color for the text.


Select a font for the text.


Select one for the following borders for the split:

  • None

  • Skew

  • Curve

Animation speed

Select at which speed images, headlines, and texts are displayed:

  • Fast

  • Normal

  • Slow

Layout > Cards

Card color

Select a card color.

Font color

Select a color for the text.


Select a font for the text.


Select one for the following borders for the split:

  • None

  • Skew

  • Curve

Animation speed

Select at which speed images, headlines, and texts are displayed:

  • Fast

  • Normal

  • Slow

Layout > Cards, stacked

Card color

Select a card color.

Font color

Select a color for the text.


Select a font for the text.


Select one for the following borders for the split:

  • None

  • Skew

  • Curve

Animation speed

Select at which speed images, headlines, and texts are displayed:

  • Fast

  • Normal

  • Slow


Background color enabled

Select to enable background color.  

Background color

Select a background color.

Background image enabled

Select to enable a background image.

If you have a background image, the background color is not displayed. 

Background image

Click Add medium and select a background image.  

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