- 11 Dec 2023
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Configure the server
- Updated on 11 Dec 2023
- 1 Minute to read
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The DOOHPlayBackImporter UDC plugin transmits booked DOOH spot instances to the player, regardless of which player you use. You must activate and configure the UDC importer to enable the player to play DOOH content. This happens on the server.
If you need help finding the UDC importer, please contact your Grassfish account manager.
For DOOHPlaybackImporter version 2.6 or earlier you must install the file Dapper.dll in addition to the DoohPlaybackImporter.dll. Copy and paste both files from the release folder to \\GVServer2\UdcService\Plugins on the server and restart the UDC service.
To activate the UDC importer on the server, perform the following steps:
- Log in to the server admin account of the IXM Platform.
- Go to Administration > Global > Customer management.
- Double-click on the customer.
- In the Edit client window, switch to the Data importer tab.
- Select Assigned for the DOOH Playback Importer.
- Click Save to save your changes.
Configure the UDC importer
Configure the UDC importer with the configuration file that is located on the server.
To configure the UDC importer, perform the following steps:
- Open the DoohUdcImporterConfig.json file.
- Change the following settings according to your requirements:
Default value
Specify the percentage to add to the target playback count which is transmitted to the player.
Specify the maximum time span from the last access date of a player until it’s considered offline.
If a player is offline, it’s not included in the calculation for the distribution of playouts among all players.
4320 (=3 days)
Specify the maximum time span from the last access date of a player until it’s considered offline.
Set to true to log all players, online players, and spot instances if the log level is set to debug.
Set to true to log additional information if the log level is set to debug.
- Save your changes and close the config file.
Example configuration of the DoohUdcImporterConfig.json file
"BufferPercentage": 10,
"OfflineIntervalMin": 360