Android Player releases
  • 02 Dec 2024
  • 8 Minuten Lesezeit

Android Player releases

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Android Player Version 11.18.0


Server version

This player version requires server version 11.14 or later.

New features

With this version we've implemented the following features:

Generic Spot Selector

As of this version, the Android Player has a new spot selector mode.

Support of Dynascan devices

We’ve implemented APIs for Dynascan devices in the player software.

Android Player Version 11.17.2


Server version

This player version requires server version 11.14 or later.

New features

With this version we've implemented the following features:

Support for Sony Bravia VH22

As of this version, the player software is compatible with Sony Bravia VH22 devices.

Support of Android 14 devices

The player software is now compatible with Android 14 OS.

Android Player Version 11.17.1


Server version

Server version 11.14.x required.

New features

With this version we've implemented the following features:

Set kiosk mode in player configuration

As of this version, the device owner app setting “Player in kiosk mode” is part of the player configuration. That means you can enable or disable it in the IXM Platform.

Resolved issues

  • We’ve fixed an issue where images were not displayed for the minimum duration of two minutes on e-paper.

  • After a reboot, the permissions page will no longer appear with the exception "Device owner not installed".

  • We’ve fixed an issue where Composer spots were not displayed for the minimum duration of two minutes on e-paper.

Android Player Version 11.17.0


Server version

Server version 11.14.x required.

New features

With this version we've implemented the following features:

Play advertisement back-to-back

As of this version, you can play an advertisement back-to back, meaning twice in a row.

Synced spot playback

You can now synchronize the spot playback on multiple players.

CPU usage in HW monitor

With this version, we’ve added information on CPU usage to the hardware monitor.

Updated Exo Player libraries

We’ve updated our Exo Player libraries to the latest version to improve video playback quality and performance.

Check device owner permission

We’ve added a new check at the beginning of the permission page. The system now ensures whether the device owner app has file system permission and is set to an active administrator.

New intent for Philips devices

With this version, we’ve implemented an intent for 5051T Philips devices. The intent is required to set and edit configurations.

Android Player Version 11.15.3


Server version

Server version 11.14.x required.

Resolved issues

  • We've fixed an issue where the UDC Weather and News Spot were not displayed correctly on Nec ME2 devices because the file system is case sensitive and the Android Player created lowercase ZIP folders.

Android Player Version 11.15.2


Server version

Server version 11.14.x required.

New features

With this version we've implemented the following features:

  • We’ve added support for NEC/Sharp SOC's (ME2-Platform).

  • As of this version, there’s a start log for each service.

  • We’ve implemented logging for API calls and responses.

Resolved issues

  • On a device that doesn't allow orientation, reverse portrait mode now results in the orientation being set to portrait as desired.

  • We’ve fixed an issue where unjustified errors regarding the serial number appeared in the log after the player was started.

  • We’ve fixed an issue where audio spots were not played in spot selector mode.

  • We’ve fixed an issue where the weather news spot didn’t show any data.

  • Pinch to zoom is now disabled even when the player restarts.

  • We’ve fixed an issue on the Sharp/NEC devices where the portrait setting rotated the player to 270° instead of 90°.

  • During audio spots the screen now displays a placeholder image.

  • The network reset tool will now only run if the player has already been successfully initialized.

  • When rotation is controlled via the IXM Platform, the rotation buttons in the InitBox are now disabled and a corresponding notice is displayed.

Android Player Version 11.15.1


Server version

Server version 11.14.x required.

New features

With this version we've implemented the following features:

  • The new player supports API version 1.5, if it’s available on the server.

  • The hardware monitor now provides information on the WiFi signal, storage, and more.

  • We now support cookie based player affinity.

Resolved issues

  • Overlays F2 and F3 are no longer displayed exclusively, without F8.

  • We’ve now implemented the server call for the supported API.

  • The automatic setting for Teamviewer permission for file system acces is now correct.

  • The uptime in the F8 window is now identical with the total device uptime since boot up.

  • We’ve fixed an issue where a corrupt file system lead to wrong paths for storing files.

  • UDC data formation is no longer missing with API 1.4.

  • An empty live tag structure no longer leads to a black screen instead of spots.

  • We’ve fixed an issue where overseer permissions were not compatible with Android 13.

  • Teamviewer Host no longer comes to the surface and stops the playout if it is set as “overseer apps to watch”.

  • A live tag structure with two underscores no longer leads to a black screen instead of spots.

  • We’ve improved the updating process to harden it against external influences.

  • We’ve fixed an issue where CPU utilization was incorrect on some RK3288 devices (display F8).

Android Player Version 11.15.0


Server version

Server version 11.14.x required.

New features

Spot selector mode

With this version we've implemented the spot selector mode to the generic release.

Resolved issues

  • We've fixed an issue where CPU utilization was incorrect on some RK3288 devices.

  • RS-232 reply masking now works for Dynascan monitors.

  • We've fixed an issue where the player didn't start to play the playlist after changing the screen layout.

  • We've fixed an issue where serial device serial numbers were not displayed for configuration on devices running versions earlier than Android 10.

  • The player no longer displays a black screen if the live tag structure contains two underscores.

  • Overseer can now control that the TeamViewer app stays in the background in kiosk mode.

  • We've fixed an issue where an overseer permissions wasn't compatible with Android 13.

  • We've fixed an issue where an empty live tag structure lead to a black screen instead of spots.

Android Player Version 11.14.5


Server version

Server version 11.14.x required.

New features

Support of Android API 33 (Android 13)

The Android Player now supports API level 33 (Android 13).

Resolved issues

  • We’ve fixed an issue where SSP spots were not played if DOOH was activated and no DOOH orders were booked.

Android Player Version 11.14.4


Server version

Server version 11.14.x required.

New features

Support of Philips e-paper devices

As of this version, the Android Player supports Philips e-paper devices.

New Philips intents

With this version, we’ve implemented new Philips intents to set the webview, font size, and source automatically on bdl4550 and bdl4650 devices.

Resolved issues

  • We’ve fixed an issue with multiple live tags assigned to a player.

  • We’ve fixed an issue where the player unexpectedly rebooted.

  • We’ve disabled the F5 Key and Google Search Assistant.

  • We’ve fixed an issue with the F8 Debug Overlay.

  • We’ve fixed an issue with inconsistent screen status reported by Philips CRD 50 devices.

  • We’ve fixed an issue with the network resolver being active even if the box was not initialized.

  • We’ve fixed a crash with serial devices being not initialized in time.

  • We’ve added a reboot after the timezone has been changed.

Android Player Version 11.14.2


Server version

Server version 11.14.x required.

New features

Implementation of generic provisioning

With this version, we've implemented Grassfish generic provisioning.

New Philips intents

We’ve implemented new Philips intents to set the webview, font size, and source automatically on bdl4550 and bdl4650 devices.

Player API 1.4 - key hard coding

We’ve changed MasterDetails (/REST/PlayerDetails/MasterDetails) on the Android Player to match the Windows & Linux Player. This specifically affects the keys which changed from camel case to pascal case. 'Version' was also added on Android.

Resolved issues

  • We’ve fixed an issue where devices with Android versions earlier than 10 didn’t send the Mac address to systeminfos.

  • We’ve fixed an issue where changed settings on the player were not transferred to the IXM Platform.

  • We've fixed an issue with corrupted playlist files.

  • We’ve fixed an issue with logging for the streaming service.

  • The Rcstars tabletop no longer goes into deep sleep outside of operating hours or during display off times.

  • We've fixed a player crash-loop caused by an incorrect event playlist.

  • We've reworked the setting of the timezone via the CMS (API 1.4) for devices without root.

  • We’ve fixed an issue where too many authentification calls resulted in massive logging.

  • We’ve fixed an issue where Android Players with version 11 or later with USB to serial devices crashed after plugging them into the system.

  • We’ve fixed an issue with the “go to and jump back” spotbase feature.

  • We’ve fixed an issue where the call ReportSpotEnded had a wrong object.

  • We’ve fixed that pitch to zoom was not deactivateable via the settings.

  • When plugging in a serial adapter (usb to rs232), the confirmation pop-up no longer appears multiple times.

Android Player Version 11.14.1


Server version

Server version 11.14.x required.

Resolved issues

  • We’ve improved the start performance of composer spots with embedded videos.

  • We’ve fixed an issue where only the first day was changed when changing operating times.

Android Player Version 11.14.0


Server version

Server version 11.14.x required.

New features

DOOH functionality

With this version, we’ve implemented DOOH functionality for all products.

Change to Player API

We’ve implemented the new Player API version 1.4 which entails the following changes:

  • Server communication is now changed from internet sender via API.

    • It’s now possible to change the players timezone via the IXM Platform.

    • It’s now possible to change the BoxID. Note that this requires IXM Platform version 11.15 or later.

Changed device volume setting to percent As of this version, we’ve changed the device volume setting to percent. This replaces the previous volume configuration levels and allows more exact volume setting on any device.

Resolved issues

  • We’ve fixed an issue where the player froze when restarting with F8 and F3 overlay open.

  • Livetags are no longer lost if the player restarts or reboots due to a crash.

  • We’ve fixed an issue where the player crashed with Do service registration.

  • We’ve fixed an issue where the player crashed when logging played spots.

  • The RS232 screen control command "after power on" now works correctly.

  • We’ve fixed an issue where the player played fallback content in five out of six loops despite having valid content assigned.

  • We’ve fixed an error message that appeared when player and server were not compatible.

  • We’ve fixed an issue where the player got stuck during a spot and the timeout wasn’t working.

Android Player Version 11.8.9


Server version

Server version 11.8.x required.

Resolved issues

  • We’ve added compatibility for table-tops from Rcstars to prevent them from turning off outside of operating hours.

  • We’ve fixed an issue where the orientation of the systeminfos screen was reported incorrectly in the IXM Platform.

Android Player Version 11.8.7


Server version

Server version 11.8.x required.

New features

Screenshots on unrooted devices

As of this version, it’s possible to take screenshots with unrooted devices.

Adjustments for Android 12

We’ve made necessary adjustments for Android 12 (API32) to maintain compatibility.

Enable/Disable F key functions

You can now enable or disable F key functions via the settings.

Stability fixes

With this version, we've made several stability fixes.

Android Player Version 11.8.6


Server version

Server version 11.8.x required.

New features

With this version, the Android Player supports SSP.

Android Player Version 11.8.5


Server version

Server version 11.8.x required.

New features & resolved issues

With version 11.8.5 of the Android Player, we’ve taken multiple measures to improve overall stability.

We've also added OS support for Android 12 and hardware support for Ekiosk Franklin Signage Player.

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