Date Time widget
  • 04 Nov 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

Date Time widget

Article summary

This widget displays the current date and time. You can customize its appearance setting fonts, formats, and more.

System requirements

This widget requires IXM Platform version 11.0 or later.

Configure the widget

In the HTML Wizard, you can see all configurable spot elements in the tree structure of the spot. Changes are immediately visible in the spot preview.

You can also include HTML Wizard spots as widgets in the HTML Composer, or configure them in the Composer to use them independently.

Configure the following elements of the spot as desired:




Spot duration

Specify the duration of the spot in the format: hh:mm:ss

The spot is reloaded at the end of the duration.

If you enter 00:00:00, the spot plays continuously.


Select to set a background color for the spot.

Click in the color selection box to select a color.


Force line break between date and time

Select to insert a line break between date and time.

Padding between elements (px)

Specify in pixels how much space there is between elements.


Select a timezone.

Align items

Select how to align items on the canvas:

  • Left

  • Center

  • Right

Drop shadow


Select to display a shadow. 


Select a color for the shadow.

Offset (px)

Specify the offset between the font and the shadow in pixels. 

Blur (px)

Specify the blur of the shadow in pixels. 


Show date

Select to display the current date.  

Strip leading zeros

Select to remove leading zeros from the date.

Convert to uppercase

Select to use only uppercase letters.

Date language

Select the language in which the date and weekday are displayed:

  • DE

  • EN

  • FR

Date format

Select a date format. 

Show weekday

Select to display the current weekday. 

Force line break between weekday and date

Select to insert a line break between weekday and date.  


Select a delimiter that separates weekday, date, and time.  

Text styling date

Style the date text using font, color, size, and more options. 

Text styling weekday

Style the weekday text using font, color, size, and more options.  


Show time

Select to display the current time. 

Time format

Select a time format.

Hour has preloading zero

Select to display hours with a preloading zero. 

Strip leading zeros

Select to remove leading zeros from the time.

Time text

Specify free text displayed behind the time, such as "o’clock".

Space before time text

Select to to add a space between time and time text. 

Text styling time

Style the time text using font, color, size, and more options.

Text before date/time

Show text

Select to display text before date and time.

Leading text

Enter the leading text.

Text styling leading text

Style the leading text using font, color, size, and more options.

What's Next
Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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