- 15 Dec 2023
- 22 Minutes to read
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Dashboard widgets
- Updated on 15 Dec 2023
- 22 Minutes to read
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Dashboard widgets are supported from the global version 11.0 onwards. They serve the purpose of showing relevant information pertaining to the user in the Grassfish IXM Platform in the Dashboard tab. Dashboard widgets are based on the gfDashboardWidgetBase which uses several functions of the gfWizardBase. The content of the ascData.json file of Dashboard widgets is similar to the ascData.json file of Wizard spots but differs in the available elements and options which can be used. The reason for the technical relation to the gfWizardBase is to ensure that they can be used in later version in the HTML Composer and transferred to the player.
A zipped dashboard widget is uploaded to the Grassfish IXM Platform, whereas the file extension must be .dash.zip.
This ZIP file must contain the following files at top level:
index.html: the index.html file is the starting point to the widget. The relative access to additional resources is possible from here, as is common with websites. It is however, not allowed to carry out URL-forwards to other websites on root-level via the ZIP.
ascData.json: the ascData.json file contains all elements in IXM Platform which can be edited for the widget. The structure and its possible components are described in the following chapter.
If one of these two files are missing, it is not possible to play the widget back correctly. Apart from these two files, the gfWizardBase.js and gfDashboardWidgetBase.js files must be used and instantiated in the root-scope of the spot, whereas the gfWizardBase is handed over to gfDashboardWidgetBase.js. These files can be stored in a subfolder as well. These are the minimum requirements for the Dashboard widget.
API versions
The API version is the direct reference to the corresponding IXM Platform version. It allows you to define the required functionality of the widget as well as ensure compatibility with the IXM Platform version.
The API version is defined in the ascData.json file via the ApiVersion attribute.
API version | Global Grassfish IXM Platform version |
1 | 11.0.0 |
2 | 11.2.0 |
3 | 11.3.0 |
For example, if you try to play back a widget with API version 2 in a IXM Platform with version 11.0.0, a warning will be displayed during the upload that possibly required functions will not be available and a correct display of the spot cannot be guaranteed.
The ascData.json file is the interface between the widget and the editor. Here it is possible to define elements which can later be edited by users in the IXM Platform. The file also serves the purpose of providing general information on the widget to the Grassfish system, e.g. the possible slot selection which is intended for the widget.
Document – root nodes and widget features | |
SpotIdentifier | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 1 This attribute is assigned by the spot developer and is used to verify the replacement of the widget in the IXM Platform in order to see if it is the correct spot. Example: "MyDemonstrationWidget" |
SpotVersion | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 1 The current version of the widget and JSON structure. Example: "1.0.0" |
ApiVersion | Mandatory field, Int, ApiVersion: 1 Specifies with which systems the widget is compatible with, whereas the API version 1 is valid from 11.0 onwards. If a widget uses newer features which are only available with a later API version, issues with the display or widget functionality can occur in older systems. The API version of the Dashboard widget is independent from the API version of the wizard spot. |
SpotType | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 1 The spot type must have the value of the Dashboard widget. It serves as an identifier for the backend and must be identical to the spot type stored there. Fixed value for Dashboard widgets: "SpotType": "DashboardWidget" |
NumberOfSlots | Mandatory field, Int, ApiVersion: 1 Specifies how many slots the widget takes up. For this, valid values range from 1 to 3. Example: "NumberOfSlots": 2 |
Options | See Options. |
Elements | See Elements. |
Options - turning features on/off | |
PossibleNumbersOfSlots | Optional, Array, ApiVersion: 1 The possible number of slots which a widget is allowed to have. These slots should then however be supported programmatically. Examples:
PossibleNumbersOfRows | Optional, Array, ApiVersion: 2 This defines the line height that a widget occupies in the dashboard. Accordingly, these heights should then also be supported programmatically. Example:
HasDetailView | Optional, Boolean, ApiVersion: 1 With this option, it is possible to enable the option in the Grassfish IXM Platform to open a detail view for the widget and display additional information. The widget receives the information whether it should show its content in the detail view via the URL parameter detailMode. This can be requested in the code in the dataChanged event as follows, where it is commonly possible to read out the slot size: Example: "HasDetailView": true Example implementation:
HasPrintSupport | Optional, Boolean, ApiVersion: 1 With this option, the printing request action is activated in the Grassfish IXM Platform. This feature must be implemented in the widget. Example: “HasPrintSupport” : true Example implementation:
UseSingleElementUpdate | Optional, Boolean, ApiVersion: 1 With this option, it is possible to specifically react to changes in the respective element and it is not necessary to rebuild the entire spot when values are changed. If this option is enabled, you do not have to necessarily register an Eventhandler for each element. If an element has no SingleElementDataChanged handler, the global DataChanged handler will continue to be triggered. If a SingleElementDataChanged handler is registered for the element, it will be the only one to be invoked, not the global DataChanged handler, if an element is changed. Example: "UseSingleElementUpdate": true Example implementation:
DynamicResolution | Optional, Object, ApiVersion: 2 With this option you can manage that the wizard spot has a height and width which can be edited by the user. This option cannot be utilised in combination with the PossibleResolutions option. Example:
Checkbox | |
Id, DisplayName | Mandatory fields, ApiVersion: 1 See Elements table. |
DataType | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 1 "DataType": "boolean" |
Value | Mandatory field, Boolean, ApiVersion: 1 Example: "Value": false |
Options -> Conditions | Optional, Object, ApiVersion: 2 Details see Conditional Elements. "Operator": ["!="|"=="] |
Number selection
Number | |
Id, DisplayName | Mandatory fields, ApiVersion: 1 See Elements table. |
DataType | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 1 "DataType": "number" |
Value | Mandatory field, Number, ApiVersion: 1 Example: "Value": 42 |
Options -> Minimum | Optional, Number, ApiVersion: 1 Specifies the minimum value of the number selection. Example: "Minimum": 1.0 |
Options -> Maximum | Optional, Number, ApiVersion: 1 Specifies the maximum value of the number selection. Example: "Maximum": 999 |
Options -> StepSize | Optional, Number, ApiVersion: 1 Specifies the rounding value of the number selection. Example: "StepSize": 0.1 |
Options -> Conditions | Optional, Object, ApiVersion: 2 Details see Conditional Elements. "Operator": ["!="|"=="|">"|">="|"<"|"<="] |
Color selection
Colorpicker | |
Id, DisplayName | Mandatory fields, ApiVersion: 1 See Elements table |
DataType | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 1 "DataType": "color" |
Value | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 1 The format depends on the UseRGBA option. Example:
If the value is color value in the RGB hex format, starting with a hash. Since the global version 11.0, you can also use the RGBA format if UseRGBA is activated in the options. Example: "Value": "#FF0000" |
Options -> UseRGBA | Optional, Boolean, ApiVersion: 1 By means of this option, the advanced color picker can be activated, which also supports alpha values. Depending on the setting, the value is in another format. Example: "UseRGBA": true |
Options -> Conditions | Optional, Object, ApiVersion: 2 Details see Conditional Elements. "Operator": ["!="|"=="|"?"] |
Date | |
Id, DisplayName | Mandatory fields, ApiVersion: 1 See Elements table |
DataType | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 1 "DataType": "date" |
Value | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 1 A date string in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss. Example: "Value": "2015-09-13T00:00:00" |
Options -> MinDate | Optional, String, ApiVersion: 1 By means of this option the minimum date can be specified. The entry may not go below this value. Example: "MinDate": "2015-09-11T00:00:00" |
Options -> MaxDate | Optional, String, ApiVersion: 1 By means of this option, the maximum date can be specified. The entry may not exceed this value. Example: "MaxDate": "2015-09-15T00:00:00" |
Options, Keyword ‘Today’ | Optional, String, ApiVersion:1 For the threshold values MinDate and MaxDate, it is also possible to assign the keyword ‘today’. This is converted to the current date for the runtime. Example: „MaxDate“: „Today“ |
Options -> Conditions | Optional, Object, ApiVersion: 2 Details see Conditional Elements. "Operator": ["!="|"=="|">"|">="|"<"|"<="] |
Date Range
Date | |
Id, DisplayName | Mandatory fields, ApiVersion: 2 See Elements. |
DataType | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 2 "DataType": "dateRange" |
Value | Mandatory field, Object, ApiVersion: 2 The format depends on the options TimeEnabled and TimeZoneEnabled. Example: Default:
TimeEnabled === true:
TimeEnabled === true && TimeZoneEnabled === true: "Value": {
Options -> MinDate | Optional, String, ApiVersion: 2 By means of this option it is possible to set the minimum date. The entry may not go below this value. Example: "MinDate": "2015-09-11T00:00:00" |
Options -> MaxDate | Optional, String, ApiVersion: 2 By means of this option it is possible to set the maximum date. The entry may not exceed this value. Example: "MaxDate": "2015-09-15T00:00:00" |
Options -> TimeEnabled | Optional, String, ApiVersion: 2 By means of this option the time entry can be activated. Example: "TimeEnabled": true |
Options -> TimeZoneEnabled | Optional, String, ApiVersion: 2 By means of this option, it is possible to activate the entry of the time zone. Example: "TimeZoneEnabled": true Note: For this option, TimeEnabled as well as the configuration of the IXM Platform for the support of time zones must be activated. |
Options -> Conditions | Optional, Object, ApiVersion: 2 Details see Conditional Elements. "Operator": "?" |
Options, Schlüsselwort "Today" | Optional, String, ApiVersion: 2 For the threshold values MinDate and MaxDate it is also possible to define the keyword Today. This is converted to the current date for the runtime. Example: "MaxDate": "Today" |
Time | |
Id, DisplayName | Mandatory fields, ApiVersion: 1 See Elements table. |
DataType | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 1 "DataType": "time" |
Value | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 1 The format depends on the option WithSeconds. Example:
Options -> WithSeconds | Optional, Boolean, ApiVersion: 1 By means of this option, the entry of seconds can be enabled. Depending on the setting, the value is in a different format. Example: "WithSeconds": true |
Options -> Conditions | Optional, Object, ApiVersion: 2 Details see Conditional Elements. "Operator": ["!="|"=="|">"|">="|"<"|"<="] |
List | |
Id, DisplayName | Mandatory fields, ApiVersion: 1 See Elements table. |
DataType | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 1 "DataType": "list" |
Items | Mandatory field, Array Example:
Value | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 1 The selected entry from the items array is saved under ‚value‘ (in the non-translated version). Example: "Value": "Horse" |
Translations | Optional, Object, ApiVersion: 1 For dropdowns, it is possible to define translations for every value in Translations. Example:
Options -> Conditions | Optional, Object, ApiVersion: 2 Details see Conditional Elements. "Operator": ["!="|"=="|"?"] |
Radio button
Radio button | |
Id, DisplayName | Mandatory fields, ApiVersion: 2 See Elements. |
DataType | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 2 "DataType": "radiobutton" |
Items | Mandatory field, String[], ApiVersion: 2 Example:
Value | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 2 The selected entry from the items array is saved under ‚value‘ (in the non-translated version). Example: "Value": "Horse" |
Translations | Optional, Object, ApiVersion: 2 In dropdowns, it is optional to define translations for each value. For this, the key corresponds to the entry in the items array, the value of the corresponding translation (e.g. de, en,..) Example:
Options -> Conditions | Optional, Object, ApiVersion: 2 Details see Conditional Elements. "Operator": ["!="|"=="|"?"] |
Simple text input
SimpleText | |
Id, DisplayName | Mandatory fields, ApiVersion: 1 See Elements table |
DataType | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 1 "DataType": "simpleText" |
Value | Mandatory field, Array, ApiVersion: 1 An array of objects, each have a text property where an unformatted text is saved. Example:
Options -> NumberOfInstances | Optional, Int, ApiVersion: 1 By means of this parameter you can control how many instances of a text input can be created by the user. If the value is not set or is set to 0 or 1, the user only sees a text box and cannot create other instances of text inputs. Example: "NumberOfInstances": 1 |
Options -> MultilineSize | Optional, Int, ApiVersion: 1 By means of this parameter you can control how large the text input is displayed (i.e. how many lines it has). If this value is not set or is set to 0 or 1, it is a single-line text input without a line break. Example: "MultilineSize": 4 |
Options -> MaxChars | Optional, Int, ApiVersion: 1 By means of this parameter you can determine how many characters the user is allowed to set. This part cannot be saved if this value for a text field is exceeded. If the text field has several instances, this value is valid for the respective instance. Example: "MaxChars": 120 |
Options -> Required | Optional, Boolean, ApiVersion: 1 By means of this parameter you can ensure that something has been entered in the text field. Example: "Required": true |
Options -> ValidationRegExp | Optional, String, ApiVersion: 1 By means of this parameter you can store a regular expression that must be met for the user to be able to save the spot. In the event of an error the ValidationRegExpDescription is displayed, which can be translated in the translations. Take into consideration that backslashes must be specified twice. Example: "ValidationRegExp": "[\\d]*" |
Options -> ValidationRegExpDescription | Optional, String, ApiVersion: 1 By means of this parameter you can define the error message for the regular expression. The message can be translated in Translations. Example: "ValidationRegExpDescription": "Hier sind nur Zahlen erlaubt." |
Options -> Conditions | Optional, Object, ApiVersion: 2 Details see Conditional Elements. "Operator": ["!="|"=="|"?"] |
Spot group selection
List | |
Id, DisplayName | Mandatory fields, ApiVersion: 1 See Elements table |
DataType | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 1 "DataType": "spotGroup" |
Value | Mandatory field, Array, ApiVersion: 1 An array of objects which each have an ID and the name as properties (at the time of the selection). Example:
Options -> NumberOfInstances | Optional, Int, ApiVersion: 1 By means of this parameter you can control how many instances of a spot group may be added by the user. If the value is not set or set 0 or 1, the user is only able to select a spot group and is not able to create additional instances. Example: "NumberOfInstances": 1 |
Options -> IncludeTemplates | Optional, Boolean, ApiVersion: 1 This parameter specifies whether it is possible to select template spot groups when selecting spot groups. Example: "IncludeTemplates": true |
Options -> Conditions | Optional, Object, ApiVersion: 2 Details see Conditional Elements. "Operator": ["!="|"=="|"?"] |
Media group selection
List | |
Id, DisplayName | Mandatory fields, ApiVersion: 1 See Elements table. |
DataType | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 1 "DataType": "mediaGroup" |
Value | Mandatory field, Array, ApiVersion: 1 An array of objects which each have an ID and the name (at the time of the selection) as properties. Example:
Options -> NumberOfInstances | Optional, Int, ApiVersion: 1 By means of this parameter, you can control how many instances of a media group can be added by the user. If the value is not set or set to 0 or 1, the user is only able to select one media group and cannot add additional instances. Example: "NumberOfInstances": 1 |
Options -> Conditions | Optional, Object, ApiVersion: 2 Details see Conditional Elements. "Operator": ["!="|"=="|"?"] |
Location selection
List | |
Id, DisplayName | Mandatory fields, ApiVersion: 1 See Elements table. |
DataType | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 1 "DataType": "location" |
Value | Mandatory field, Array, ApiVersion: 1 An array of objects which each have an ID and the name (at the time of the selection) as properties. Example:
Options -> NumberOfInstances | Optional, Int, ApiVersion: 1 By means of this parameter, you can control the number of instances of a location can be added by a user. If the value is not set or set to 0 or 1, the user is only able to selection one location and is not allowed to create additional instances. Please note that locations can be nested in a hierarchical order. Example: "NumberOfInstances": 1 |
Options -> Conditions | Optional, Object, ApiVersion: 2 Details see Conditional Elements. "Operator": ["!="|"=="|"?"] |
Player selection
List | |
Id, DisplayName | Mandatory fields, ApiVersion: 1 See Elements table. |
DataType | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 1 "DataType": "player" |
Value | Mandatory field, Array, ApiVersion: 1 An array of objects, which each have an ID and the name (at the time of selection) as properties. Example:
Options -> NumberOfInstances | Optional, Int, ApiVersion: 1 By means of this parameter, you can control how many instances of a player can be added by the user. If the value is not set or set to 0 or 1, the user is only able to select one player and is not allowed to create additional instances. Example: "NumberOfInstances": 1 |
Options -> Conditions | Optional, Object, ApiVersion: 2 Details see Conditional Elements. "Operator": ["!="|"=="|"?"] |
Category selection
List | |
Id, DisplayName | Mandatory fields, ApiVersion: 1 See Elements table |
DataType | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 1 "DataType": "category" |
Value | Mandatory field, Array, ApiVersion: 1 An array of objects, which each have an ID and the name (at the time of selection) as properties. Example:
Options -> NumberOfInstances | Optional, Int, ApiVersion: 1 By means of this parameter, you can control how many instances of a category can be added by the user. If the value is not set or set to 0 and 1, the user is only able to select one category and is not able to create any additional instances. Please note, that categories can be nested in hierarchical order. Example: "NumberOfInstances": 1 |
Options -> Conditions | Optional, Object, ApiVersion: 2 Details see Conditional Elements. "Operator": ["!="|"=="|"?"] |
Spot selection
List | |
Id, DisplayName | Mandatory fields, ApiVersion: 1 See Elements table. |
DataType | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 1 "DataType": "spot" |
Value | Mandatory field, Array, ApiVersion: 1 An array of objects, which each have an ID and the name (at the time of selection) as properties. Example:
Options -> NumberOfInstances | Optional, Int, ApiVersion: 1 By means of this parameter, you can control how many instances of a spot can be added by the user. If the value is not set or set to 0 and 1, the user is only able to select one spot and is not able to create any additional instances. Example: "NumberOfInstances": 1 |
Options -> Conditions | Optional, Object, ApiVersion: 2 Details see Conditional Elements. "Operator": ["!="|"=="|"?"] |
Media selection
List | |
Id, DisplayName | Mandatory fields, ApiVersion: 1 See Elements table. |
DataType | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 1 "DataType": "media" |
Value | Mandatory field, Array, ApiVersion: 1 An array of objects, which each have an ID and the name (at the time of selection) as properties. Example:
Options -> NumberOfInstances | Optional, Int, ApiVersion: 1 By means of this parameter, you can control how many instances of a medium can be added by the user. If the value is not set or set to 0 and 1, the user is only able to select one medium and is not able to create any additional instances. Example: "NumberOfInstances": 1 |
Options -> Conditions | Optional, Object, ApiVersion: 2 Details see Conditional Elements. "Operator": ["!="|"=="|"?"] |
Edition selection
List | |
Id, DisplayName | Mandatory fields, ApiVersion: 1 See Elements table. |
DataType | Mandatory field, String, ApiVersion: 1 "DataType": "edition" |
Value | Mandatory field, Array, ApiVersion: 1 An array of objects, which each have an ID and the name (at the time of selection) as properties. Example:
Options -> NumberOfInstances | Optional, Int, ApiVersion: 1 By means of this parameter, you can control how many instances of an edition can be added by the user. If the value is not set or set to 0 and 1, the user is only able to select one edition and is not able to create any additional instances. Example: "NumberOfInstances": 1 |
Options -> Conditions | Optional, Object, ApiVersion: 2 Details see Conditional Elements. "Operator": ["!="|"=="|"?"] |
Conditional elements - Conditions
Via Conditions you can define an optional number of conditions which can be linked via AND-operations. A condition is defined via the option object and consists of four properties:
Action: defines what happens during a successful evaluation of the verification. Currently only the ‚HIDE‘ action for hiding the entry fields is supported.
TargetId: corresponds to the ID of the element which should be tested.
Operator: defines the type of verification. The availability of the operators depends on the respective type of the element which should be tested. Details can be found in the properties of the respective element.
Value: the value which is to be verified.
"Id": "boolean1",
"Id": "radiobutton1",
"Id": "optionalInput",
"Options": {
"Conditions": [
"Action": "HIDE",
"TargetId": "boolean1",
"Operator": "==",
"Value": true
"Action": "HIDE",
"TargetId": "radiobutton1",
"Operator": "==",
"Value": "DO_NOT_SHOW"
In the above listed definition, the element ‚optionalInput‘ is checked against two conditions.
Condition 1 is met when the element ‚boolean1‘ has the value true, i.e., the checkbox is activated in the editor.
Condition 2 is met, when the element ‘radiobutton1’ has the value DO_NOT_SHOW. The element ‚optionalInput‘ is hidden, when both conditions are met.
The GFDashboardWidgetBase is an extension of the GFWizardBase. This is a JavaScript Lib which, in addition to the GFWizardBase, must be integrated in Dashboard widgets to ensure proper functionality of the Grassfish system.
The following subchapters describe the events and additional information relating to their use.
The GFDashboardWidgetBase file can be nested in subfolders but it should not be edited. Add the file to the website via the <script> tag following the GFWizardBase.
<script src="gfWizardBase.js"></script>
<script src="gfDashboarWidgetBase.js"></script>
It is only possible to access the methods of the GFDashboardWidgetBase, once the JavaScript file has been initialised. For this, use the onload method of the <body> tag:
<body onload="init()">
First, an instance of the GFDashboardWidgetBase must be created in the script. The constructor takes an instance of the GFWizardBase as a parameter. In contrast to the GFSpotBase, the GFDashboardWidgetBase is not a static class and must be instantiated globally.
//gfDashboardWidgetBase must be accessed globally!
var gfDashboardWidgetBase = new GFDashboardWidgetBase(new GFWizardBase());
function init()
//register all events
//notify the container that you are ready
function onDataChanged(jsonData)
Initially, the spot must send a 'Ready' event so that the containers know that they can now communicate with spot. This invocation looks as follows:
Not until after the spot has reported itself to be ready does it receive its JSON data from the container. If the data have been set, the spot automatically sends an InitComplete event to the container, which is forwarded to the player. As a result of this the player knows that the spot can be displayed.
You can optionally delay the InitComplete by adding a true parameter to the sendReady. As a result, the InitComplete event is not automatically triggered upon setting the data, but must be manually triggered.
//do your asynchronous stuff, e.g. call a webservice
If you would like to manually trigger InitComplete, but then do not trigger it, errors will occur during playback. If you also use the GFSpotBase in an HTML Wizard spot, please trigger ONLY the sendInitComplete() of the GFWizardBase and not that of the GFSpotBase.
Receiving data
In order that the spot receives the data filled in by the user, he must register for the dataChanged event. This takes place as follows:
Function | Registers a call-back function that is initially invoked and if any data has changed in the HTML Wizard. |
Parameters | function(jsonData) jsonData the JSON data that come from the HTML Wizard (the modified content from the ascData.json file) |
Examples |
Minimum Version | ApiVersion: 1 Grassfish IXM Platform: 11.0.0 |
Starting/Stopping animations
When the Dashboard widget is loaded in the Grassfish IXM Platform, the IXM Platform sends a play command via call-back in order to start the animations.
Function | Starts the animation in the Dashboard widget. It is loaded from the container, if the animations should start in the Dashboard widget. Prior to this, the Dashboard widget should not play animations. |
Parameters | None |
Examples | gfDashboardWidgetBase. registerPlayHandler(startMyAnimations); |
Minimum Version | ApiVersion: 1 IXM Platform: 11.0.0 |
Function | This function does not currently have any effect. |
Parameters | None |
Example | gfDashboardWidgetBase. registerStopHandler(resetMyAnimations); |
Minimum Version | ApiVersion: 1 IXM Platform: 11.0.0 |
Detail view
In addition to the three possible resolutions in the Dashboard, it is possible to activate a detail view for the widget as well. Detail mode has a resolution of 1024x576 and serves the purpose of providing the user with a more complex way to display reports (e.g. for reporting) via the widget. Via the isDetailView method, it can be requested if the widgets should be displayed in the detail view.
//display Widget in detail mode.
Report View
Furthermore, dashboard add-ons can also be used in the Reporting area of the IXM Platform. Additional space for the presentation of according data has been allocated for improved clarity. The size is not set in this view, as it corresponds to the available space in the IXM Platform. It is thus important to make sure that the display is suitable. The methode isReportView can be queried to see if the widget should be shown in the Report view.
// display widget in report mode
Printing commands
Via the Grassfish IXM Platform, the Dashboard widget can be prompted to generate a print preview. This can be a new browser tab or a backend request for the generation of a CSV file. This is carried out via the call-back registerPrintHandler. In the GFDashboardWidgetBase, there is a support function called saveToFile which is described below in this chapter.
Function | Call-back function to process the print command from the IXM Platform in the Dashboard widget. |
Parameters | None |
Examples |
Minimum Version | ApiVersion: 1 IXM Platform: 11.0.0 |
gfDashboardWidgetBase.saveToFile(value, fileName, filetype);
Function | Support function to open a file dialogue in order to enable the implementation of saving data. |
Parameters | Value string, the data fileName string, the file name filetype string, the type of file, optional, default: "application/octet-stream" |
Examples |
Minimum Version | ApiVersion: 1 IXM Platform: 11.0.0 |
It is possible to display on-screen logging. Messages which should be displayed here must be sent to the container via sendLog. By means of call-back registerLogHandler you can then also connect to these log messages in order to continue to react to them in the spot.
Function | Logs the message in the on-screen log of the ascInterface. The log must be activated in the ascInterface via the URL parameter &debug=true. |
Parameters | function(message) message Message which is to be logged |
Examples | gfDashboardWidgetBase.sendLog("message"); |
Minimum version | ApiVersion: 1 IXM Platform: 11.0.0 |
Function | Call-back function for sendLog for processing in the Dashboard widget. |
Parameters | function(message) message Message which is to be logged |
Examples |
Minimum version | ApiVersion: 1 IXM Platform: 11.0.0 |
Uploading to the IXM Platform
Certain standard Dashboard widgets are automatically uploaded to the system. Custom widgets can be uploaded via the administration under Dashboard > Widgets to the widget group Widget templates. From there it is then possible to drag variants to the corresponding widget groups. Further information on this can be found in the Online Help.
Editing in the IXM Platform
If a dashboard widget should be updated, it is only possible in the administration under Dashboard > Widgets to the widget group Widget templates. Here the respective widget must be highlighted and then selected under Tools Replace widget. The upload manager is opened, and the new version of the dashboard widget must be dragged here prior to starting the upload. The ID of the uploaded Dashboard widgets must match the ID of the selected Dashboard widget in order to update it.