Configure the server
  • 16 Dec 2024
  • 10 Minutes to read

Configure the server

Article summary

This chapter provides step-by-step instructions for the configuration of the Grassfish Server and web service.

Install the web service

You need to install the AdServing API web service to query playout schedules from an external SSP. To install the web service, you must copy its files to the Grassfish Server.

To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. To access the web service files, go to the release folder.

  2. Copy and paste the AdServing API folder into the www\gv2\webservices folder on the server.

  3. To let the web service know where the master.config file is, open the user.config file located in the AdServing API folder.

  4. Under add key="MasterConfigDir", enter the path to the master.config file as value.

  5. Save your changes and close the config file.

Example: configuration of the user.config file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<add key="MasterConfigDir" value="F:\Grassfish\\master.config"/>

Configure the AdServing API

Follow the instructions for configuring the web service depending on your AdServing API version:

Configure AdServing API earlier than version 1.1.0-rc.1

To use the web service, you must configure it in the master.config file of the server. Before you do so, consider the following requirements:

  • You must configure the master.config file for all individual customers.

  • You must configure a valid Security:SymmetricSecurityKey as shown in the example below.

To configure the AdServing API, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the master.config file of the server.

  2. Configure the following settings:

    • SSP_URL: Specify the URL of the SSP. That is, the external booking platform.

    • SpotGroupName: Specify the  name of the spot group to which the media files downloaded from the SSP are uploaded as spots.

    • ServiceUserName: Specify the name of the user who uploads the spots and adds them to the playlist.

    • PlaylistName: Specify the name of the spot group to which the media files downloaded from the SSP are added as spots.

    • ExtendSpotValidityInDays: Specify how long uploaded spots are valid in days. For example, enter 0 if the spot is valid indefinitely or enter 1 if the spot is only valid today. The default value is 0.

    • MaxLogLevel_File: Optionally, enter the maximum log level to specify which kind of information you want to log once for all customers:

      • 1 for Error

      • 2 for Warning

      • 3 for Info

      • 4 for Debug

      • 5 for Trace

Note on logging

If you need additional Microsoft logs for debugging or further insight, you can optionally set logging to “Warning”, but we recommend setting it to “Critical” in general to avoid performance issues.

Example: configuration of the master.config file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <appSettings type="global">
    <add key="Security:SymmetricSecurityKey" value="INSERT-A-KEY-HERE" />
  <appSettings type="AdServing">
	<add key="AdServing:Customer:dev:SSP_URL" value="{boxId}"/>
	<add key="AdServing:Customer:dev:PlaylistName" value="SSP"/>
	<add key="AdServing:Customer:dev:SpotGroupName" value="SSP"/>
	<add key="AdServing:Customer:dev:ServiceUserName" value="admin"/>
	<add key="AdServing:Customer:dev:ExtendSpotValidityInDays" value="1"/>
	<add key="MaxLogLevel_File" value="3"/>


Note that you must restart the application pool that contains the AdServing API every time you change its settings in the master.config file. You’ll learn how to create the application pool in chapter Configure the IIS web server.

Configure AdServing API version 1.1.0-rc.1 or later

To use the AdServing API web service, you must configure the master.config file of the server and a customer specific SSP config file.

To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the master.config file of the server.

  2. Go to the setting AdServing:Customer:<CUSTOMER-ID>:SSP_CONFIG and specify the path to the customer specific SSP config file.

  3. Optionally, specify the following general settings in the master.config file:

    • AdServing:DownloadWorkerIntervalMs: Specify the interval for checking for new media files that must be downloaded and imported into the IXM Platform in milliseconds. The default value is 1000 ms. If you specify less than 0 milliseconds, the AdServing API stops working.

    • MaxLogLevel_Console:Enter the maximum console log level to specify which kind of information you want to log:

      • 1 for Error

      • 2 for Warning

      • 3 for Info

      • 4 for Debug

      • 5 for Trace

    • MaxLogLevel_File: Enter the maximum file log level to specify which kind of information you want to log:

      • 1 for Error

      • 2 for Warning

      • 3 for Info

      • 4 for Debug

      • 5 for Trace

Note on logging

If you need additional Microsoft logs for debugging or further insight, you can optionally set logging to Warning, but we recommend setting it to Critical in general to avoid performance issues.

Example: configuration of the master.config file

<appSettings type="AdServing">
    <add key="AdServing:Customer:27:SSP_CONFIG"
    <add key="AdServing:DownloadWorkerIntervalMs" value="1500"/>
    <add key="MaxLogLevel_Console" value="5"/>
    <add key="MaxLogLevel_File" value = "5" />


Note that you must restart the application pool that contains the AdServing API every time you change its settings in the master.config file. You’ll learn how to create the application pool in chapter Configure the IIS web server.

Configure SSP parameters

You must configure the SSP parameters like the SSP’s URL in the SSP config file. The file has the following structure:

 "sspConfigurations": [
    "sspConfiguration": {
        "sspPriority": int,
        "sspUrl": string,
        "cutMediaUrlBeforeSubString": string,
        "sspRequestHeaders": Dictionary<string, string>,
        "sspCategoryId": int,
        "sspPlaylistId": int,
        "sspSpotGroupId": int,
        "sspServiceUserId": int,
        "extendSpotValidityInDays": int


The file must contain at least one SSP config object that specifies the URL, IDs, etc. For multiple SSPs, you need to create multiple SSP config objects.

Get the IDs

Before you can configure the SSP config file, you need to get the IDs of the IXM Platform category, playlist, spot group, and SSP user for each SSP. You’ll enter these IDs in the file.

When the system uses IDs instead of names, you can simply change the names of playlists or spot groups in the IXM Platform without affecting the ID and SSP. This also means that the same SSP admin user works for multiple SSP providers.

To get the IDs, perform the following steps:

  1. In the IXM Platform, open the editing window of the category, playlist, spot group, or user whose ID you need.

  2. Open the Developer Tools in your browser. For example, in Google Chrome go to Customize and control Google Chrome > More Tools > Developer Tools.

  3. In the Developer Tools window, select the Network tab.

  4. Read the ID from the list and write it down for the file configuration in the next chapter.

  5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 until you have the required IDs of the category, playlist, spot group, and user.

Ensure that your configuration is valid

Your configuration is validated with the help of validation rules. If one or more of these validation rules are violated, the AdServing API logs an error message and stops.

The following rules apply:

  • Multiple sspConfiguration elements within one file must not contain the same values for: SspPriority, SspUrl, and SspCategoryId. Ensure that these elements have different values in the config file.

  • None of the specified configuration parameters must be missing. This excludes the optional parameters CutMediaUrlBeforeSubString, SspRequestHeaders, and ExtendSpotValidityInDays.

  • All specified configuration parameters must have a value.

  • None of the specified configuration parameters must have a value that doesn't match the specified data type.

  • The basic syntax of the JSON must be valid.

Configure the config file

To configure the SSP parameters in the SSP config file, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the SSP config file.

  2. Specify the following settings:


Data type

Default value





Specify the priority of the SSP provider.

The lower the value, the higher the priority.



Mandatory setting (no default value)

Specify the URL of the SSP provider to query potential playouts.

Optionally, you can add wildcards to the SSP URL as placeholders for the player’s Box-ID, live tags, or the screen number if you have more than one screen.





Enable this setting to cut the media file URL in the response from the SSP marketers beginning with the first occurrence of the specified string.

This means that only the remaining string is used for comparison if the media file has already been imported into the IXM Platform.

This is necessary if all media URLs are unique, for example, because they contain a timestamp.


<key, value>


Optionally, configure custom headers when executing the query to the SspUrl.

This can be useful, for example, if you use authentification via an API key.



Mandatory setting (no default value)

Specify the ID of the IXM Platform category that is associated with the SSP config file.

If a player requests a next spot, the AdServing API checks, beginning with the SSP config with the highest SspPriority, if the player has the defined SspCategoryId assigned. If so, the values specified in the SSP config are used for the media import.

The IXM Platform category with the SspCategoryId is assigned to a spot instance if you create it via the import mechanism.



Mandatory setting (no default value)

Specify the ID of the playlist that is associated with the SSP config file.

The system assigns downloaded SSP content to the specified playlist.

General and screen playlists

If the ID belongs to a playlist which is set to For one screen in the IXM Platform, only the specified player receives the SSP spot returned by the SSP provider. This requires AdServing API version 1.4.0 or later.

If the ID belongs to a playlist which is set to General playlist, all players assigned to that playlist (and with the specified category) receive the SSP spot returned by the SSP provider.



Mandatory setting (no default value)

Specify the ID of the spot group that is associated with the SSP config file.

Downloaded SSP content is imported to the specified spot group.



Mandatory setting (no default value)

Specify the ID of the user that is associated with the SSP config file.

The specified user is used as creator or editor for the associated database objects. You’ll see their name under CreatedByUser and LastChangeByUser in the IXM Platform.




Specify how long a spot associated with imported media is valid in days.

If you set a value greater than 0, the validity end of the spot is set to the beginning of the current day plus the ExtendSpotValidityInDays.

This is based on the timestamps processed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Example: configuration of the SSP config file

	"SspConfigurations": [
			"SspPriority": 1,
			"CutMediaUrlBeforeSubString": "?",
			"SspRequestHeaders": {
				"hs-auth": " api-key 1234567890"
			"SspCategoryId": 1593,
                     "SspPlaylistId": 259,
			"SspSpotGroupId": 958,
			"ExtendSpotValidityInDays": 3,
			"SspServiceUserId": 1489
			"SspPriority": 2,
			"SspUrl": "",
			"CutMediaUrlBeforeSubString": "?",
			"SspCategoryId": 1592,
			"SspPlaylistId": 263,
			"SspSpotGroupId": 957,
			"ExtendSpotValidityInDays": 3,
			"SspServiceUserId": 1489

Configure the IIS web server

You must configure the Internet Information Services (IIS) web server for the Grassfish web service. You’ll create a new application pool for the AdServing API which allows you to restart it independently in the future. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. To create a new application pool, open the IIS Manager.

  2. In the IIS Manager, right-click on Application Pools and select Add Application Pool.

  3. Specify the application pool details as required and click OK.

  4. Right-click on the application pool and select Advanced Settings.

  5. Set the Idle Time-out to 0 minutes.

  6. Right-click on the web service folder and select Convert to Application.

  7. Open the Advanced Settings of the web service and assign it to the new application pool.

  8. Save your changes and close the IIS Manager.

Install the UDC importer


You need the UDC importer if you use a DOOH add-on version earlier than 2.5.1 and if you use the Qt Player. If you use add-on version 2.5.1 or later or a different player, you can skip this chapter.

The DOOHPlayBackImporter UDC plugin transmits booked spot instances to the Qt Player. Note that the importer only does so for players that have been online.


For DOOHPlaybackImporter version 2.6 or earlier you must install the file Dapper.dll in addition to the DoohPlaybackImporter.dll. Copy and paste both files from the release folder to \\GVServer2\UdcService\Plugins on the server and restart the UDC service.

Activate the UDC importer

To activate the UDC importer on the server, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the server admin account of the IXM Platform.

  2. Go to Administration > Global > Customer management.

  3. Double-click on the customer.

  4. In the Edit client window, switch to the Data importer tab.

  5. Select Assigned for the DOOHPlaybackImporter.

  6. Click Save to save your changes.

Configure the UDC importer

You must configure the UDC importer with the configuration file that is located on the server. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the DoohUdcImporterConfig.json file.

  2. Change the following settings according to your requirements:


    Default value




    Specify the percentage to add to the target playback count which is transmitted to the player.



    Specify the maximum timespan from the last access date of a player until it’s considered offline.

    If a player is offline, it’s not included in the calculation for the distribution of playouts among all players.


    (=3 days)

    Specify the maximum timespan from the last access date of a player until it’s considered offline.



    Set to true to log all players, online players, and spot instances if the log level is set to debug.



    Set to true to log additional information if the log level is set to debug.

  3. Save your changes and close the config file.

Example: configuration of the DoohUdcImporterConfig.json file

  "BufferPercentage": 10,
  "OfflineIntervalMin": 360

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